How to get rid of caffeine and stay healthy?

Posted by Steve Jones on December 3rd, 2020

A cup of coffee is a way every one seeks to start their day from the bed, but have you ever thought that too much caffeine leads to health problems. Though these health issues may look smaller slowly they lead to bigger problems. Thus, there comes the need to slow down the intake of caffeine or try to flush it out of the body, before it causes serious side effects.

There is no particular quantity to say how much caffeine is too much to the body, because everybody metabolizes caffeine differently, due to several factors such as age, gender, weight, tolerance, and health issues. Side effects are not just caused by consuming a cup of coffee, but also with the other products that consist of caffeine in it.

Symptoms of caffeine are not limited to jittering of the leg but also causes various other problems too which include sweating, restlessness, nausea, diarrhea, anxiety, shakiness, and even affect the heart. So, it is necessary to get recovered after excess consumption of caffeine and this could hardly take 4 to 5 hours, but can exceed in people who are caffeine sensitive. In the meantime, it is necessary to concentrate on a few of the things that help in overcoming it. Most of things are explain on Do Good For Your Body as well.

1. Do not go for caffeine

Take care that in the meantime, till the caffeine flushes out from the body, do not try to gulp another cup of coffee or even don’t try to consume caffeine related products. So, if you stop consuming it for one whole day till it gets outs of the body, it will no more stay and can get relieved after a few hours.

2. Water helps

Drinking plenty of water is another best solution to get out of the hangover state and become normal. So, it can be flushed out easily from the body and stops your body from dehydrating.

3. Move on with the walk

Walking is one of the best ways to help in getting out caffeine from your body. It also helps in relaxation that relieves anxiety and jitters. In case during walking, if there is a sudden increase in heartbeat, say it will be better to stop walking and sit to take rest for some time.

4. Deep breathing is good

Deep breathing is another best exercise for the body that calms down the anxiety and will have a soothing effect on the mind and nervous system.

5. Fiber-rich food

Fiber-rich food is the best intake during this time as slow digestion is necessary. So, try to consume fiber-rich foods that include whole grains, lentils, nuts, seeds, and others.

These are the best ways that help on how to get rid of caffeine from the body. Do Good For Your Body is one of the leading providers that offer Decaffeinate products that lets you take coffee or caffeine and sleepiness is no more a problem.

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Steve Jones

About the Author

Steve Jones
Joined: December 3rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 1