Why We Should Wear Organic Cotton T-Shirts

Posted by Anna Fern on December 3rd, 2020

Organic style of life

These days everyone says that is time to going “organic style of life”!
From the Internet and TV we hear more and more information about sustainable living.
First steps to take it are organic food and organic clothes.

Some people even don't know why, but they like wearing organic cotton t-shirts but the answer is easy, simply organic cotton is very soft material and soft touch our skin.
Others may be curious about what’s so special about organic living, and they try to get some experience abut that.
Also, You can adapt to sustainable style of life.

Before you will start a new style of your life and before you will buy first organic cotton t-shirt I'd like to give you a bit of information about cotton.

Organic cotton

A majority of cotton we have from Asia and especially from India. About it decide climate, soil and cost of productions.
After World War II, farmers began using fertilizers or other chemicals to grow plants faster.
However, in last 20 years that changed when producers and consumers insisted on growing cotton without chemicals.
People found that every kind of agriculture production based on using too much chemical fertilizers is dangerous for human health and for climate.
To manage a true organic farm, the owner have to care about everything, also abut kind of fighting with pests.
On the cotton plant the farmer have to care not only about growing up the cotton but also must fight with pest, and they use techniques for reducing pest infestation by using natural materials. Farmers use castor, okra, and marigold to trap pests naturally.
To trap pests in naturally way, the farmers use okra, marigold and other herbs, which are natural for their area.

In all the world the organic cotton gets a three-level certification.
This universal certificate allow the buyers to buy only the right one for their products kind of cotton. The organic cotton certification looks out if the growers had used natural methods of farming.

Reason to use organic cotton

Owners of manufactures with organic cotton t-shirts they buy only certificated organic cotton and when you buy their products you can be sure that you have organic cotton t-shirt.
Using only organic cotton we can save some animals and environment and human health.
So, now you know the reason why to buy organic cotton t-shirts.

I'd like to invite you to Fernstory online shop with eco t-shirts made in UK. In our shop you can buy only t-shirts made of certified organic cotton.
Every t-shirt from Fernstory is printed with using eco friendly materials and designed to express some ideas about the world and style of life. Some t-shirts are printed, for example to refresh old Celtic symbols, especial symbol of the tree of life.
We would like to invite you to promote the sustainable fashion, it will your step to protect natural environment. 


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Anna Fern

About the Author

Anna Fern
Joined: December 3rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 1