Steps followed by asbestos testing Sydney
Posted by juliabennet on April 26th, 2014
Asbestos testing is important because it is dangerous for human health. It is a naturally occurring mineral and its thin, closely packed fibres are used to make very durable material. Because of its strength it was considered ideal for fireproofing, insulation, and in Many Countries, for making temporary shades. But, subsequently it was found that it poses a serious health risk. If asbestos fibres are loose and freely moving in the air and are inhaled for a long time it can affect the tissue lining the lungs and can eventually cause lung cancer. Asbestos testing Sydney is there for testing the traces of asbestos to make your place safe for living.
Asbestos was widely used in building construction during 1920 and 1990 till the time people became aware of its health hazards. Government agencies all over the world started regulating its use. Though it is commonly be found in buildings, but asbestos testing is also done for common home appliances like gas heaters, hair dryers, various clothing and in automotive brakes. Asbestos testing Sydney companies also check the air of the environment to find asbestos fibres so that it can be cleaned and stopped from circulating through fans, air conditioners or ventilation system.
Asbestos testing experts carry out their job with utmost safety. You will find the asbestos testing Sydney workers with their protective clothes and gears including gloves and boots. The clothes and other protective accessories are safely disposed off once they finish collecting samples. It is also important for them to use a face mask that has a HEPA or high efficiency particulate air filter in it. The first step while collecting the sample will be to cordon off the area from where the sample is to be collected. Water is sprayed so that loose asbestos fibres cannot escape in the air.
If asbestos testing is to be done for a small area or part of a wall the floor area is covered with plastic sheet and taped securely so that after the sample collection has been done by asbestos testing Sydney experts the floor is clean of asbestos. The part of the apparatus or site is cut for collecting sample. It is then collected in a sealable container and labelled properly with date and site of collection and warning that it may contain asbestos. The cut area is then properly covered with plastic sheet or tapes so that no loose fibre can escape from it. Only after this the protective gears and clothes etc. (including the sheet that covered the floor space) are to be collected in a plastic bag and then disposed inside another plastic bag.
Asbestos testing Sydney companies are authorised agencies to take up this job of sample collection and also for asbestos testing and they have highly sophisticated laboratories to check for asbestos fibres. Once they confirm existence of asbestos in the sample they would suggest you appropriate methods for its removal and if requested would take up the job and provide you the certification. Your place becomes safe for stay now.
Asbestos testing and asbestos testing Sydney experts can make your place safe for you.