Host Bar Job | Get it Now Without Actual Experience!

Posted by Picasoth on December 7th, 2020

This article is for people who want to be promoted to the host bar but have no experience behind the bar. However, you have worked or are working in the hospitality industry, but you just don't have any real host bar experience. You've worked as a host, barback, or waiter and you think being a host bar 호빠 is a better job. First of all, you're right - being a  host bar is better. But now to the matter at hand: how do you become a host bar without any real host bar experience?

Working in a Bar

The easiest way to do this would be to move up the ranks in the bar you are currently working at. Venues always hire from within and simply talking to your manager about your desire to climb the bar will start the ball rolling. Being an inexperienced waiter is not too difficult if you are already employed at the place you want to serve.

Bar manager

Next, you'll want to show your bar manager or bar owner that you are serious about your desire to start a host bar. You can do this by first asking to follow one of the current waiters without pay, and secondly by offering to work a couple of slower shifts, again, for free. This will do a couple of things. First, you will show your manager that you mean business. Second, it will give you hands-on experience behind the bar, mixing, serving, preparing drinks, and attracting customers.

Got Some Experience

Once you have some experience behind the bar with shading, you now want to learn the opening and closing procedures. Again, talk to your manager and let him know your intentions. Tell them that you want to learn all aspects of the bar, and therefore would like to break into your free time to learn the opening and closing procedures behind the bar.

Not Working in a Bar

Obviously, you can't go on and learn from the host bar if you are not currently working in a bar. So you have to approach things a little differently. First, you will want to make a list of all the skills you acquired while working in the industry that translates to a host bar.

Customer Service

Customer service will probably top this list but think about other things like drink knowledge and serving skills, if you've helped take inventory, restock behind the bar, etc. If you've worked as a waiter before, you've had experience charging outside. Anything you have done in your previous job that can be transferred to a host bar will help you during your interview.

Cover letter

In your cover letter, you'll want to make use of that list you have prepared. Explain how, even if you don't have a host bar experience, you do have all of these other skills needed behind the bar. Highlight the areas in which you excelled in your previous industry experience.


If you really want to get that job as a host bar, mention in your bar cover letter that you're willing to train for free or work a shift or two just to get advice. No bar owner/manager wants to spend money training someone who is not going to exercise. Taking this risk out of the equation will go a long way toward tipping the balance in your favor. Close your cover letter from the bar by stating that you would love the opportunity to come and discuss your qualifications and how your employees will benefit your establishment.

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Joined: October 17th, 2019
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