7 Misconceptions and Facts about Invisalign Braces

Posted by Yang Orthodontics on December 9th, 2020

Are you a person who doesn't want to go to the office or school with braces? Or maybe because of some misalignment problems that are returned after you wore braces. 

Whatever your concern would be, you need a convenient option to fix your teeth problems. And Invisalign provides that solution. If you go for it, there might be many misconceptions about Invisalign you may hear. 

And here are some of them busted with accurate facts

Myth -1: Invisalign won't work with complicated issues.

Fact: Nearly every issue can be corrected by Invisalign. This includes both simple and complicated problems. As with all technology, like cell phones and computers, evolution in Invisalign has similarly changed over the past years.

Myth -2: Invisalign is uncomfortable to wear.

Fact: You'll be surprised to know that Invisalign is much more comfortable than other orthodontic solutions. Not only Invisalign eliminates the need for brackets and wires, but you'll also take them out when you eat!

Myth -3: Food will get stuck.

Fact: Just because you can remove your aligner whenever you eat doesn't mean this myth is true. While you can clean your aligners, you won't suffer from food sticking on your Invisalign like you would with metal braces.

Myth -4: People may able to tell you're wearing Invisalign.

Fact: One of the major features of wearing Invisalign is that they are transparent. They contain no metal parts and are very difficult to notice. It is unlikely that anybody would notice your aligner unless they're actively looking for it.

Myth -5: They're more expensive than braces.

Fact: It might seem that this new technology would cost you more than the traditional method, but that isn't the case. The fact is Invisalign Cost in Redwood City just as much as metal braces.

Myth -6: Invisalign is only for adults.

Fact: This isn't true. There is a whole line of Invisalign aligners for teens as well as adults. So, Invisalign isn't just an option for adults but also for teenagers looking to fix their teeth issues. With Invisalign, you do not need to walk around with an embarrassing metal smile no matter what age you are.

Myth -7: Invisalign can only straighten mild crookedness

Fact: If you think that clear aligners aren't that strong enough to correct your crooked smile, then you are wrong. Invisalign solves many issues from mild gaps, spacing issues to underbites, crossbites, and teeth crowding problems.

At the end

These were some common myths you might or may have heard about Invisalign braces. Invisalign is indeed an excellent choice to correct your smile and straighten your teeth. Search for Invisalign near me and contact Yang Orthodontics to set up your consultation.

Kyle Miller is the author of this article. For more details Adult Orthodontics in Redwood City, CA please visit our website: orthodontistrwc.com

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Yang Orthodontics

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Yang Orthodontics
Joined: October 22nd, 2020
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