The Millennium School considered as one of the top CBSE Schools in Surat?

Posted by themillenniumschool on December 10th, 2020

Think Today. Change Tomorrow.
Being proactive and enterprising is one protocol we must all follow. It is a lot easier to make the change and enable it if we plan its onset much earlier. And so, we think today to make the change tomorrow.

The Millennium School has designed every aspect of is curriculum via the Research and Development Division of Education Quality Foundation of India. This curriculum and methodology for assessment has been kept in mind that we are the enablers for the change of tomorrow. For every student who enters the school, a pathway has been mapped out. One which enhances all age appropriate educative variables and are fit into pedagogically apt tangibles. The assessment system, their lesson plans and the theoretical application to be met with practical demonstration are all laid down as a part of the educative framework

As one of the Top CBSE Schools in Surat, we have learnt that the involvement of parents in a child’s education proves fundamental when engaged with properly. The parents of our children are encouraged to participate in our school as and when the occasion arises. Be it as a guest lecturer, to promote and encourage their art amongst children, on ‘Career Days’ or the regular parent teacher meetings as well. Moulding your child to become an icon of pride not just owing to his success but also because of the person he becomes is largely, what a parent desires to see in his child. This, we understand wholeheartedly and as a result expect of our parents to become partners in learning.

The Millennium School, Surat is committed to being a Top CBSE school in Surat. The passion of imparting our legacy, full of rich traditions and values, to the next generation that will do the country proud always burns bright. And today, we shall think. For tomorrow, our children will carry on this legacy and do us proud.

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Joined: December 8th, 2020
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