Advantages and Disadvantages of dental implants Calabasas

Posted by BorisDentalCare on December 10th, 2020

Dental problems are a common issue among all age groups. Dental implants and surgeries are even quite expensive and are not always affordable. However, dental implants in Calabasas are quite popular.



Dental implants in Calabasas are meant to make you feel, look, and function better. These implants look exactly like natural teeth and can help you regain the confident smile you have lost. The conventional teeth replacement options might not always be useful.



Cosmetic dentistry in Calabasas, including dental implants, can also prove a terrific investment in the long run. If you think you need dental cosmetic surgery or a dental implant, now is the time to consider moving forward.



Advantages of Dental Implants: This article will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants. To begin with, let's look into the advantages.



Dental implants are the most natural kind of dental replacement. They are, in fact, better than other types of cosmetic dentistry in Calabasas. If you have a lost tooth, a dental implant is the best thing you can do. You will get the same color as your natural teeth. A dental implant will bring you back the smile that you have lost.



If you use dentures and dental bonding, there are high chances of damaging the dentures and bonded teeth. There are even chances of breaking, fracturing, or damaging the other surrounding teeth. If you go for dental implants, rest assured that the neighboring teeth will not be damaged. 



Dental implants last much longer than other restorative procedures. They also have a 98% success rate. Even after ten years of using the implant, the success rate would be 95% for dental implants to last. On the other hand, dental bonding lasts a maximum of a year or two, and dentures last five years.



Dental implants give a person the same biting strength as natural teeth. The bone will not erode with time if you go for dental implants. On the contrary, dentures will give you half the biting ability as compared to dental implants. They also tend to lose strength over time.



Disadvantages of Dental Implants: Negative and positive are like two sides of the same coin. If there is something positive about dental implants, then there has to be something negative about it. Let's look into the disadvantages of a dental implant. A dental implant is costly. The cost of a single dental implant can be somewhere between ,000 to ,000. 

Dental implants are surgical procedures. Surgeries have a risk of their own. There are possibilities of pain and swelling. The crown, or the top part of the tooth withthe dental implant, has to be replaced within 10-15 years.



However, the quality of the implant largely depends on the dentist. To know what works better,go to

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