Guns of Glory GuideThe definitive guide to Guns of Glory on Android and iOS.Home - About - Alliance - Beasts - Creation - Estate Buildings - Events - Game Strategy - Items - Lord - Red Guard Camps - Settings - Troops Astrologer StageThe Astrologer Stage is the most forward out of all the stages. Simply spin the wheel to accumulate points. Each time you spin it uses 4 sooth stones. These can be acquired in Daily Reward treasure chests and other places in the game. Entering the Tarot Reading or bonus round of the Astrologer Wheel, you can accumulate more points by using Tarot Stones. Completing full tarot readings and spinning the Astrologer Wheel as many times as possible can give you a #1 ranking in this event. While many people may consider this event boring, you can accumulate resources, speedups and other items while participating, so it’s a good idea to use whatever stones you have. Rewards:
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