Guns of Glory GuideThe definitive guide to Guns of Glory on Android and iOS.Home - About - Alliance - Beasts - Creation - Estate Buildings - Events - Game Strategy - Items - Lord - Red Guard Camps - Settings - Troops Rare Material ChestThe Rare Material Chest is a highly sought after item that allows you to upgrade your Demon Hunter, Retribution or Sun King equipment. It is important to note that if you craft Demon Hunter equipment and want to upgrade to Retribution, those parts that you used to craft your Crossbow can be used when you dismantle it prior to crafting your Retribution Rifle, and subsequently your Sun King Sword. The rare material fragments are not wasted when you use them to craft a piece of equipment and can be retrieved by dismantling equipment. As updates are released, Rare Material Fragments have become easier and easier to obtain. Currently there are several ways to obtain them, including:
Unless you purchase Rare Materials in a large quantity to make your upgrade quickly, it is generally an item you will acquire over time allowing you to make your upgrades slow and steady. Guns of Glory Marketplace: CommentsNo comments have been posted yet. Post Comment |