Guns of Glory GuideThe definitive guide to Guns of Glory on Android and iOS.Home - About - Alliance - Beasts - Creation - Estate Buildings - Events - Game Strategy - Items - Lord - Red Guard Camps - Settings - Troops VIP LevelThe VIP Level of your lord can grant you many benefits and having VIP activated at all times can help you to progress through the game faster. In some cases you can use VIP item to activate the VIP status but to keep it active you will eventually have to purchase a 1 day, 7 day or 30 day package with gold. Depending on your level, activating VIP can apply the following attributes to your lord.
Your VIP Level can be increased by purchasing packs in the Daily Deal or by acquiring VIP points through other means such as in the Spirit Mines store. Guns of Glory Marketplace: CommentsNo comments have been posted yet. Post Comment |