How To Improve A Low Credit Score Do you have a low credit score?If your credit score is below 700, you may not qualify for some of the best interest rates on credit cards, loans or mortgages. This means that just by having a credit score of 695, instead of 725 (just an example), you Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Solutions For Obtaining A Credit Card With Poor Credit Search EnginesAnyone can perform an internet search to look for credit cards with poor credit and find hundreds of results; there are so many choices and the “small print” is so varied it can be hard to understand exactly what a consumer is Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
How Credit Card Balance Transfers Can Affect Your Credit Score Transferring balance from a high interest credit card to a new lower interest card can definitely save you money on interest, if nothing else at least until the introductory rate ends (if applicable). We all receive those infamous credit card offers in Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
"Bad Credit" Credit Cards: How You Can Avoid High Fees Individuals with problematic credit histories often suffer unfairly from high mortgage, insurance, and car loan rates. On top of that, they have difficulty getting approved for credit cards. The whole situation can get extremely frustrating. Frequently, I Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Do You Have Too Many Credit Cards? How many credit cards do you have? If you are like most people it is probably too many.We've all been lured in by the siren call of better rates, special perks and rewards, or lower fees so that most Americans carry between five and 10 credit cards. Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
The Facts about Low Interest Credit Cards So what are low interest credit cards really all about? The following article includes some pertinent information about low interest credit cards --info you can use to make wise financial decisions.Trying to save on interest expense? Apply for a low Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Credit Repair Common Sense It's Your LifeDo you take your credit for granted? When is the last time you took a close look at your credit reports? Credit repair expert and president of Sky Blue Credit Repair, Jim Kemish discusses inaccuracy in the credit reporting system and the Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit- Facts Credit cards for bad credit are certainly not going to be the best credit deals, but credit cards for people with bad credit might be your only option available. The interest on credit cards for people with bad credit are usually much higher than on a Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Business Credit Cards Versus Business Lines of Credit Nothing quite matches the convenience of business credit cards. When you are looking for a good alternative to cash, checks, and personal credit cards, it is probably a business credit card you want. With credit-when-you-need-it convenience, savings and Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Your Credit Scores Again It's important for every consumer to learn what a credit score is and how to improve it. Most consumers do not know what their credit scores are, but these scores are used in dealings with such diverse agencies as credit card companies, home equity Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
7 Tips To Increase Your Credit Score Having a high credit score can mean the difference of thousands of dollars of saved interest expense compared to others with a lower score. For example, if you improve credit score results from the credit bureaus, just a few points that increase your Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
What Is Involved in the Credit Repair Process It is estimated that some 79+ million people living in the United States have at least one negative issue with their credit reports, which, in turn, a Published 8 Years Ago by DavidZweber
9 Signs You're A Credit Score Expert Poor credit personal debt consolidation when credit card debt joins hands with undesirable credit historySo how exactly does your month starts off paying curiosity fee on your automobile, credit cards, grocery expenditures, health care expenses and Published 3 Years Ago by isiriaydtn
College Credit Cards Help Smooth Out Credit Wrinkles College student credit cards have replaced student loans as a freshman?s first student credit experience. At the sophomore level, out of a sample of 100 students, over 90% were found to be holders of at least one college credit card. The question is why Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
How To Deal With A Credit Bureau To Repair Your Credit Good credit is crucial in today's economy. Good credit allows you to have credit cards, obtain car or home loan, and to take advantage of many other money-related conveniences. It is possible to live without good credit, but having a bad credit rating Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Credit Card Offers For Bad Credit: You've Got A Choice If you are drooling over the bad credit history you've gotten yourself into, then worry not because you are not alone who is facing such kind of ordeal. Most of the businessmen and other regular individuals also happen to incur bad credit histories. Such Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Free Credit Report and Credit Score Free Credit Report and Credit Score indicate the creditworthiness or financial position of a person. Initially there was strict prohibition to disclose the credit report and score. But due to development in business skills and policies many retailers and Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
How Do Instant Approval Credit Cards Online Work? Instant approval credit cards online are cards which you can apply online and receive notification via email of the acceptance or denial of the credit card, within just few seconds after filling out an online credit card application. To get an instant Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Credit Cards for College Students - Establishing Your Credit For many young adults, the thought of building a credit history and worrying about a credit score seems unusual. To them the only real draw to a student credit card is the idea of getting the things they want or need with just the swipe of a card. It is Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen