The connection between bipolar disorder and thoughts of suicide We often make the mistake of ignoring our mental health in favour of physical health. Ask yourself this question – would you respond as quickly to something going wrong in your mind as you would, if it were with your body? No, you wouldn’t. Published 10 Years Ago by GeorgeVelvet
Recognizing Post Traumatic Stress And Anxiety Disorder Trauma is a condition wherein the patient becomes distressed and also clinically depressed as a result of some kind of injury. It could be anything from being in the military, obtaining bomb hazards, seeing terrible fatality or any type of form of abuse. Published 4 Years Ago by edhelmmzpm
Is Road Rage A Psychiatric Disorder? Recent headline: ?Road Rage may be due to medical condition called Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)?WHAT IS THE SCIENCE BEHIND THIS?The study, reported in the June (2006) issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry was based on a national Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among Soldiers Human aggression, war and exposure to any form of violence can affect a person?s wellbeing. It is common to assume that soldiers are never affected by Published 6 Years Ago by Winniem
Does eating fast make you gain weight? Eating slowly with proper chewing and masticating can make you feel more satisfied, raises the fullness hormones to signal your brain. Published 5 Years Ago by Dtashugupta
How To Deal With A Shift-work Disorder Irregular work-schedule can disturb the circadian rhythm and cause sleep deprivation. Some health tips and sleeping tablets can help fight the complic Published 6 Years Ago by lewiscarroll033
Healthy Eating For Life We have all heard and read probably a thousand times about the importance of healthy eating. We have been encouraged time and time again to trade fast food meals for meals full of fruits and vegetables. For most of us, healthy eating is a matter of Published 14 Years Ago by nick_niesen
Stop emotional eating for weight loss All of us have emotions and we manifest these emotions in different ways. When we are happy we react in a certain way and when we are sad we react in a certain way. The worst manifestation of emotion, something that many of us go through, is eating. This Published 9 Years Ago by AdrianRocker
How to Stop Emotional Eating Those who suffer from depression, who feel lonely and stressed all the time usually cope with these problems by overeating. This is a huge mistake because food will not help you solve any problems. Eating feels good only in the moment and it does not make Published 9 Years Ago by aimewolf
What Is Alcohol Use Disorder? Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is characterized by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol. According to SAMHSA, 14.5 million Americans have AUD. Published 2 Years Ago by careaddiction
Discover to Recognize Unhealthy Eating Behaviors Are you looking for the easy ways to eat healthy? This article covers the basics of healthy eating to help you and your family to stay strong and healthy Published 4 Years Ago by lovethylifes