Guild Wars Articles

Page 3 of 332 results for Guild Wars Articles.

Guild Wars 2 ushers in 'Queen's Jubilee' August 6 Guild Wars 2 is celebrating a milestone for their royal family. The Queen's Jubilee update arrives on August 6 and will feature a majestic anniversary, as well as some gladiatorial combat. Are you not entertained?The
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Will Star Wars: The Old Republic's Free-to-Play Deal Turn it into an Online Sing
? Star Wars gamers have plenty of reasons to feel uneasy on November 15th. Way back in 2005, that was the date when Sony Online Entertainment dumped the infamously disappointing New Game Experience on the late Star Wars Galaxies. This time 11/15 brings
Published 11 Years Ago by soaote
Guild Conflicts two program to produce a effective battle device
Expensive "Guild Conflicts 2" gamers, followers as well as just about all those people who are worried about the actual "Guild Conflicts 2" buddies:"Guild Conflicts 2", anyone could be completely shown as well as perform the actual comparable
Published 11 Years Ago by kuaidiana
Guild Wars 2 Gets A Nightmarish Expansion
MMORPG will “press on to develop” consistent with the designer, with revamped hopping riddles, occasions, small- jefes et cetera. Players can purchase extraordinary Halloween ensembles, unite in the Costume Brawl, play revamped scaled down-
Published 11 Years Ago by ubdarkfall
Guild Wars 2: Halloween-Angebote im Edelsteinshop Charr-Kapitalist Evon Schlitzklinge wappnet die Schwarzlöwen-Handelsgesellschaft fürs Halloween-Shopping. [Quelle: Siehe Bildergalerie]Pünktlich zum Update der Lebendigen Geschichte "Zwischenfall im Zwielicht"
Published 10 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Conflicts 2 uniting behind community
The Guild Wars 2 panel offered little when it comes to new information for those who have been closely following your game. Instead, the team on hand focused on illuminating what ArenaNet is trying to accomplish with the first full sequel to your
Published 12 Years Ago by Exchange37
ArenaNet Believes That First Guild Wars Could Run ?Forever? For gamers who want to feel a bit old, did you know that ArenaNet’s Guild Wars MMORPG is eight years old? While the game is “younger” compared to its rival, World of Warcraft, the game’s sequel was
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2: Clockwork Chaos ArenaNet ha svelato chi è l'oscura figura che ha rovinato i piani della Regina Jennah: si tratta di Scalet Briar, che col suo esercito di minion è approdata su Guild Wars 2 con la prossima release Clockwork
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Flameseeker Chronicles: The history of weapon and armor skins in Guild Wars 2 The Sky Pirates of Tyria game update for Guild Wars 2 launches today, and if you haven't checked out our video preview, there's no time like the present to catch up. Along with a smattering of in-game activities for players
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2 bat un record de vitesse de vente Guild Wars 2 est le MMORPG qui a connu la plus forte croissance depuis ces neuf derniers mois, du moins, c'est ce qu'affirme le rapport émis par DFC Intelligence. Depuis sa sortie, le jeu s'est en effet vendu à
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Explore Guild Wars 2: The Lost Shores ? terror from the deep, and a new island t
This weekend, Guild Wars 2 capital Lion’s Arch will be besieged by an army of giant crab monsters from the Sea of Sorrows in a one-time event. Get ready to defeat them on home soil, then launch a weekend long invasion culminating in server-wide
Published 11 Years Ago by Zealous032
which can potentially be used in the creation of Guild Heraldry Tabards!
ESO Gold Besides the ESO Devs promising that the Update 3 improvements will allow players to personalize their characters in new exciting ways such as dyes for coloring armors -- it also allows Player Guilds to form unique identities with the help of
Published 10 Years Ago by esogoldforsale
Guild Wars 2: Super Adventure Box Living World Update Now Live The Guild Wars 2 community is going to be getting back to its roots in the latest Living World update.With its birthday celebrations now in the rear view mirror, Guild Wars 2 is now plowing ahead into its second year of success.
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2: The Super Adventure Box Strikes Back The Super Adventure Box returns to Tyria in the next content patch for Guild Wars 2. Super Adventure Box: Back to School will have players continuing their education courtesy of the asuran genius Moto with a new world and a higher
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2: Soundtrack vom Basar der Vier Winde ver?ffentlicht Das neueste Kapitel der lebendigen Geschichte von Guild Wars 2 bringt mit dem Basar der Vier Winde nicht nur ein völlig neues Gebiet, neue Grafikelemente und Spielmechaniken, sondern auch einen eigens dafür
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
A Introduction of Guild Wars 2 Last Test Belongings
Guild Wars 2 the ultimate test of weekend activities will start from Friday July 20 to Sunday, July 24, thousands of players from Europe and North America might be in the game before the official release with August 25 last experience Guild Wars 2 examine
Published 12 Years Ago by package059
Twilight Assault Underway In Guild Wars 2 Something bad is stirring in Twilight Arbor. Caithe and the Lionguard might not be able to handle it on their own. That’s where you come in.Well, you and “Guild Wars 2″ players everywhere, that is. The call
Published 10 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2 interview picks Colin Johanson's brain If you could corner a developer and ask any question that popped into your mind, what would it be? Matt Visual attempts to cover all of the burning questions that many players have about Guild Wars 2 in his piece with Colin
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
?Guild Wars 2? free trial weekend, Heroic Edition announced ArenaNet, developer of the “fastest-selling MMO,” is hosting a free trial weekend for Guild Wars 2 this weekend, running from 12:01 a.m. pacific on August 23 through 11:59 p.m. on August 25.The trial is open to
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2: Neue alte Fraktale, mehr Einfluss durch die Lebendige Geschichte - Am 16. Juli veranstaltete das Guild-Wars-Team von Arenanet eine kleine Frage-Runde. Game Director Colin Johanson beantwortete im Zuge der Ankündigung des kommenden Inhalts-Updates Fragen von den Spielern. Johanson
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2's Tequatl Already Dead The Dragon was Rising on Tuesday, and by Wednesday, it was dead.The big part of the recent update for Guild Wars 2 that launched on Tuesday was the return of the nasty dragon Tequatl to Tyria. Much ado was made over the wyrm's
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2: Tequatl Rising Next week's update for Guild Wars 2, Tequatl Rising, will feature a major revamp to the Tequatl, the Sunless boss fight. Tequatl has been gathering power in the depths and now promises to be one of the most difficult encounters in
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2 mixes up its WvW matchups There's a problem in the Guild Wars 2 World vs. World matching system, and it's a subtle one that's almost invisible until you look closer. Because of the way ratings are calculated and how the matchups happen, the net
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Politics Comes to Guild Wars 2 in Living World Content ArenaNet isn’t kidding when they say they’ve turned Guild Wars 2 into a “living world.” A new update coming next week promises to bring permanent changes to the world of Tyria, by allowing players to
Published 11 Years Ago by Londo629
Guild Wars 2 Is Free For A Week A free trial of Guild Wars 2 has been announced and it will run from 12:01 AM PDT on September 27 (about 7am in the morning on September 27th our time) and ends at 11:59 PM PDT on October 3rd.The free trial coincides with
Published 10 Years Ago by Londo629

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