Articles By Cassandra27
Published 8 Years Ago
Expert Consultancy About Video Games That Can Certainly Help You!
WOW Gold Promotion on - 8% Off Code: CUSHYGAME For buying WOW Gold.
Published 8 Years Ago
Some Suggestions About Entering Into Online Games
WOW Gold Promotion on - 8% Off Code: CUSHYGAME For buying WOW Gold. Become a Cushygame member to earn free 100 Reward Points(
Published 9 Years Ago
Guild Wars 2 Halloween with the Shadow of the Mad King on October 23
Developers Guild Wars 2 MMORPG always paid special attention to the holidays and, of course, do not forget about the upcoming Day of All Saints. Already October 23 Lion’s Arch rebuilt city will change its appearance and will begin the traditional
Published 9 Years Ago
Materia Collective?s Final Fantasy VII Remixed is a remix project
Looking for a way to celebrate the upcoming remake of Final Fantasy VII? This might be a good bet. Materia Collective’s Final Fantasy VII Remixed is a remix project spanning five discs with tracks created by over 200 artists. Hundreds
Published 9 Years Ago
how to play FIFA 16 a world-class and the legend difficulty?
“FIFA 16” in single player mode fut how to play a world-class and the legend difficulty? What needs to pay attention to? Next, bring the players’ _ red white gun into the gun out “of sharing tips with a look. And legendary
Published 9 Years Ago
World of Warcraft Legion is the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft
We’ve also seen a great deal of homogenization between class abilities. Some iconic, class-themed abilities like Divine Intervention, Hunter’s Mark, Innervate, and the hunter pet customization system were removed. All classes were given
Published 9 Years Ago
PC had been struggling more bad than good with SWTOR
The newest patch of SWTOR turns to the Stellschräubchen the graphics – and should ensure, especially in big players masses for a better experience.
Many players, many frames?
Until around 17 clock the server of Star Wars are: The Old Republic
Published 9 Years Ago
released a new free-to-play MMO called DarkScape
Ah, RuneScape – how many hours I spent playing you in my early teens. It’s a completely different game now, of course (I am 28, after all), but the core is still the same. I have two lasting memories from my time with the game.
One was when a
Published 9 Years Ago
Final Fantasy 15 is going to be shown off at the Tokyo Games Show.
As we move ever closer to expected releases of both Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 we’re getting a bit of information about what we can expect to see when Final Fantasy 15 is going to be shown off at the Tokyo Games Show. More than just
Published 9 Years Ago
Final Fantasy XIV wins hands down given that Square Enix updated
As we said at the beginning, our special does not want to determine the best MMORPG game between the two most popular of the moment, but only to point out the substantial differences and their key points for all those players undecided on the purchase,
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