Dulce Morris

Dulce Morris

Joined: December 16th, 2015
Articles Posted: 6


Published 8 Years Ago
The Benefits of Occupational Health and Safety Training Programs
The Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85 of 1993) requires employers to provide occupational health and safety training to employee

Published 8 Years Ago
safety representatives training
It is the employer?s responsibility to ensure a safe workplace for all employees.

Published 8 Years Ago
Safety Representatives and Overhead Crane Training
Accidents are often thought of as random, unpredictable events. The reality is that this is not the case. Most ?accidents? have specific causes, and i

Published 9 Years Ago
Safety Representatives and Overhead Crane Training
Lifting machinery such as overhead cranes and lift trucks pose a unique set of risks if used incorrectly. Operators of lifting machinery in the workplace require specific training in terms of the Driven Machinery Regulations and the National code of

Published 9 Years Ago
The benefits of Health & Safety training inthe Construction Industry for Employe
Life is your most precious possession! It can easily be lost, but can never be replaced. The construction industry has always been regarded as high ri

Published 9 Years Ago
Fitness instructor Guides Offer Thorough Health and Safety Training
As a company it has possibly concerned your focus just how vital it is to carry out health and wellness training at your job area