Articles By Fiftyshades

Published 11 Years Ago
50 Shades Movie Shooting Delayed
As news has settled down over the casting of the Irish actor, Jamie Dornan, it’s now time to get this show on the road and pull out all the stops to get this Fifty Shades Movie released to US audiences in the summer of 2014. As the leading man is

Published 11 Years Ago
Luke Grimes is Eliot Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey
Luke Grime, the American actor has been announced as the actor who is to play Christian’s brother in the upcoming movie of Fifty Shades of Grey. His biggest movie moment thus far is that of the boyfriend of Liam Neeson’s daughter in the movie

Published 11 Years Ago
Luke Grimes lands role as the brother of Christian Grey in 50 shades movie
The supporting role of Eliot Grey is a scoop for the American actor. Despite being well-known on TV screens, this could be the one movie that will launch him into international stardom. The role of the elder brother of Christian Grey is also adopted into

Published 11 Years Ago
1.E.L. James best written novel- Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James is better known as the creator of the “Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy. Having started her career with television as an executive, Erika Mitchell, forayed into fan fiction under the pseudonym “Snowqueens Icedragon”. Today

Published 11 Years Ago
Charlie Hunnam drops out of 'Fifty Shades of Grey': Fan Power?
Fifty Shades of Grey is a scheduled to be produced by Universal Pictures. The Fifty Shades Movie is based on the best-selling novel written by E L James. It was decided that Charlie Hunnam would play the lead role in the film along with Dakota Johnson,

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