Articles By Novamen

Published 10 Years Ago
Everything You Need To Know About Corrosion Inhibitor
In a world filled with technical innovations and incredible scientific discoveries, there is one more glorious feather added to our caps- the corrosion inhibitors. This one liquid (or chemical substance) can be sustenance for those, who deal with outdoor

Published 10 Years Ago
Asphaltene Dispersant Increases The Stability In Crude Oil To Help Prevent Depos
One of the major problems today, when it comes to oil wells is the asphaltene deposition. Since crude oil wells are extremely busy day in and day out, digging up essential oils to meet customer demand, problems such as asphaltene deposition can become

Published 10 Years Ago
Day To Day Use of Magnesium Chloride
Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral in the body and it is present in certain types of food. It is important for many bodily systems especially your heart, nerves, bones, and muscles. Magnesium can help to regulate other minerals like potassium,

Published 10 Years Ago
Ethylene Glycol Inhibitor- A Solution To Prevent Corrosion
In the mist of globalization, we are focusing on inorganic and organic chemicals for better safety of properties and industrial applications. Whenever the safety is concerned, humans always desired for a better and less corrosive alternative. Ethylene

Published 10 Years Ago
Choose the Inhibited Ethylene Glycol, That Transfers Heat Fluid from Your Unit
Ethylene glycol is an organic compound which is primarily used as a raw material in the manufacture of polyester fibers and fabric industry. A little percentage is also used in industrial applications and purposes like anti-freeze formulations and other

Published 10 Years Ago
Conveyor Belt Deicers Are Helpful That Melts Ice And Stops Extra Build Up
Extreme cold weather conditions like frost and ice often disrupts routine operations at coal mines and power plants causing them to shut down and thereby induces the loss of valuable time and money. The solution to these grave problems presented itself

Published 10 Years Ago
Variety Of Release Agents Available In The Mining Industry
There are some issues, which often pop up during mining operations. The major problems are related to sticking and freezing of the various mining products that lead to hazardous results to mining production business. However, there are companies, which

Published 10 Years Ago
High Quality Anti Stripping Agents For The Asphalt Industry
Anti stripping agents are used during the road construction with traditional hot mixing surfacing. An anti stripping agent reduces the water caused damage to pavements which have bitumen and extends the life of the pavement. It also helps in reducing the

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