

Joined: February 20th, 2012
Articles Posted: 4


Published 12 Years Ago
Luxurious hotels in Istanbul - bound to make an impact on you
Istanbul, the city of Palaces, Minarets yet best identified as Cross roads for East and West, straddling Asia and Europe. Istanbul remains the financial centre of the country. It is renowned for its world’s major conference destinations. It is also

Published 12 Years Ago
Save Your Money By Booking Cheap Hotels Online
Cheap hotels are those hotels which offer rooms for cash usually for a short-term basis with basic amenities like a bed, a small table, a cupboard and a washstand. Some rooms also contain modern facilities like en-suite bathrooms and air conditioning and

Published 12 Years Ago
Do Online Hotel Bookings And Become A Smart Traveler
Traveling to a new place requires many things to consider. Accommodation is one of them. While going to a new place things become more complicated. You need to find a suitable accommodation.  Searching for a good accommodation in a new city involves

Published 13 Years Ago
Online Hotel Bookings: First Choice of Travel Agents
Travel agents around the world look for various sources to get hotel bookings for their customers. The travel agencies use different modes for hotel bookings in overseas and within the country. They form alliances with various hotels for timely hotel