Articles By OodlesAI
Published 5 Years Ago
Gaming Chatbots for Next-Level In-Game Experience
This blog post explores innovative applications of AI-powered gaming chatbots to create an immersive and seamless gaming experience.
Published 5 Years Ago
How Artificial Intelligence Can Change Web Development And Design
AI is currently transitioning to the mainstream. The progress of AI-based web design and development is only at the initial stage. With Oodles, unders
Published 5 Years Ago
How Banking Chatbots are Transforming Financial Services
AI-powered chatbots for financial services such as banking, insurance, and wealth management are improving the customer experience across digital chan
Published 5 Years Ago
Why Scikit-learn is Optimum for Python-based Machine Learning
AI has propelled the development of significant ML libraries, such as ‘Scikit-learn’ for machine learning applications like predictive analytics, sent
Published 5 Years Ago
Building Image Classification Model with Keras
Keras and Tensorflow together support model training to build image recognition, deep video analytics, brand monitoring, facial gesture recognition, a
Published 5 Years Ago
Applications of Machine Learning with Apache Kafka
Developed as a big data messaging platform, Kafka is now fulfilling the machine learning requirements of businesses with dynamic data processing capab
Published 5 Years Ago
Developer’s Guide to Improve Machine Learning Model Accuracy
Enhancing model performance can be challenging at times. The problem is most prevalent among providers of machine learning development services. Here
Published 5 Years Ago
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Recruitment
Under AI, the applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the recruitment industry is propelling significant automation across the hiring pro
Published 5 Years Ago
Artificial Intelligence: An Overview of Its Applications and Use-Cases
n this blog, take a look at how artificial intelligence and its applications are reshaping processes by enabling automation in various industries.
Published 5 Years Ago
Improving Diagnostics with AI-powered Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
The applications of predictive analytics in healthcare sector is strengthening care decisions and facilities. This blog post cumulates effective appli
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