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Shibani Thakur

Shibani Thakur
Hello, I am Shibani Thakur, the project manager of WaterApp
Joined: June 24th, 2021
Articles Posted: 26


Published 11 Days Ago
How To Solve Water Problems In Society With Advanced IoT Gadgets
Water Management App helps governments prioritize water supply, consumer demand, and governance, improving water security.

Published 1 Month Ago
How Can IoT Be Used In Smart Homes To Save Water
Installing a Residential Water Level Sensor in your water tank based on the Internet of Things (IoT) presents a game-changing answer.

Published 2 Months Ago
IoT Based Smart Water Quantity Monitoring System
Accurately watering plants is now possible using the Internet of Things (IoT) Water Technology, known as precision irrigation. While the Internet of Things (IoT) is a logical choice for smart water management applications, only some necessary technologies

Published 3 Months Ago
How Do IoT Devices Work In Measuring Water Volume In A Water Tank
Volume, then, is a far more suitable and transparent metric for monitoring and tracking a tank’s contents. In addition to providing more accurate information regarding a liquid’s availability, it aids in assessing its consumption and usage across vari

Published 4 Months Ago
Importance Of Water Detector App In 2024
A water detector app detects and communicates tank water levels remotely.

Published 5 Months Ago
How To Use Water Management System For Your Housing Society?
A Water Management System needs to be implemented to use water optimally and reduce all kinds of waste that arise from it. The water management system needs installation from the official personnel, keen to explain the whole process in detail.

Published 6 Months Ago
Role Of Water Management System In Housing Society
Manually checking the water tanks wastes time and energy in this modern era. Equally unfair is the fact that the person in question has the opportunity to improve his abilities and pursue a more meaningful endeavor.

Published 7 Months Ago
Use Of IoT Water Technology To Advice Water Policies
To deal with those challenges, revolutionary answers just like the Internet of Things (IoT) water generation are being leveraged to no longer best reveal water degrees but additionally offer essential facts that can tell water guidelines for a greater sus

Published 8 Months Ago
How WaterApp Minimizes The Water Wastage Using IoT Sensors?
Water is the most vital part of everyone's living, and no work can be completed without water. There is a lot of water wastage happening these days in commercial areas, residential areas, and public areas.

Published 9 Months Ago
Why Should Farmers Adopt Smart Water Management System
The pursuit of an intelligent water management system is gaining traction with the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) among farmers for smartly managing the water system. Water Level Sensor for Well, which works on water technology

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