

Joined: April 24th, 2020
Articles Posted: 222


Published 2 Years Ago
A healthy, balanced diet requires the presence of various vitamins and minerals, vitamin E being one of the main ones. And this goes for both humans and hounds. You might take extra vitamin supplements to ensure your body is getting absolutely everything

Published 2 Years Ago
Transitioning your pet Gradually To Canidae
Our dog food formulas contain more meat and fewer carbohydrates than most other brands. While higher meat to carbohydrate ratios provide a healthier diet for most dogs, making the switch to a more wholesome diet can be tricky. Changing a dog’s food usin

Published 2 Years Ago
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
You’ve probably seen your dog slurp up a loose sweet potato fry at breakneck speeds. Or maybe they sit by the oven, hypnotized, as a sweet potato casserole heats up inside. What you may wonder is if sweet potatoes are actually good for dogs.

Published 2 Years Ago
Meet the Dogs:
Meet the Dogs: Canidae Proudly Partners with the NHL’s Good Boys and Girls

Published 2 Years Ago
9 Best Dog Food
The Big Grain Burns Blog Series: Should Dogs Eat Wholegrains?

Published 3 Years Ago
The Belgian Laekenois canine
The Belgian Laekenois canine

Published 3 Years Ago
Bedlington Terrier Interesting Facts
Bedlington Terrier Interesting Facts

Published 3 Years Ago
Bedlington Terrier
A working, solid canine, the Bedlington needs bountiful exercise to cut down the risk of devilish direct. Routine exercise can make this assortment sensible for townhouse living.

Published 3 Years Ago
Bearded Collie
Unshaven Collie initially Aggravation yapping, burrowing and biting propensities can result on the off chance that the hairy collie doesn't get sufficient exercise.

Published 3 Years Ago
fun facts about beagle
fun facts about beagle

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