

Joined: November 11th, 2013
Articles Posted: 19


Published 11 Years Ago
The Secret of Fast Grow Indoor Plant
Have you has an awful grow plant indoor experience? Such like the plant does not grow, the internodes (spaces between the leaves) on the new growth are much longer than the internodes on the older part of the plant, the new leaves are smaller than the

Published 11 Years Ago
Which grow lights brands is the best
People who grow plant indoor always need a professional led grow lights. But which brands is the best for us? We never know it. But, today I collect lot of people's opinion in which brand is suit for use. Bysen Lighting Advantage: Bysen is a top of

Published 11 Years Ago
Best LED light search 2014
As you all know, the LED lighting craze is still in ful effect now. We see numerous new LEDs released almost at a monthly basis and they make astounding claims of "our brand is better than other one" or the infamous: "better than HPS". But

Published 11 Years Ago
Best LED Grow Lights in 2014
Happy new years, best wish for every grower in 2014. In 2014, led grow lights accompany us through year after year. All grower know that which grow lights is more suit for they're plants. According to the survey, we give the result of which grow light

Published 11 Years Ago
How to Use Fluorescent Lights for Growing
Thanks to the light-giving power of fluorescent growlight, plants can be grown indoors with no help from the sun. Many types of fluorescent lights are available on the market today, but only industrial, full spectrum, daylight, plant growth, actinic,

Published 11 Years Ago
How to Grow Vegetables With Grow Lights
Growing vegetables indoors with indoor plant lights allows gardeners to get a head start on spring and extend the growing season. Keep in mind that plants need light, space, air, water and nutrition to grow well. If you provide these essentials, your

Published 11 Years Ago
How to Build Grow Lights for Plants
plant grow lights make it easy to give your plants the amount of light they need to thrive regardless of the time of year. Grow lights may be used to speed up the growth cycle by supplying more hours of light than the plant would normally be exposed

Published 11 Years Ago
Why won my tomato plants produce tomatos
Why won my tomato plants produce tomatos? I have 7 tomato plants that are approx. 3 1/2 -- 4 months old but no tomatoes??? I have had one of the plants (that was store bought) produced a total of 3 tomatoes all at the same time but the last tomato

Published 11 Years Ago
Led Grow Lights - The Spectrum Along The Led Wave
A grow light refers to a lamp that is used to encourage plants to grow by means of emitting an electromagnetic spectrum which aids in the process of photosynthesis. The power source for such lamps is electricity. You can easily get many different

Published 11 Years Ago
LED Grow Lights Used In Combination With Tight Spaces Totally Rules
LED Grow Lights For Closet And Grow Box GrowsLed grow lights have hit the market 5 years ago now, and have came up in a big way. Now, you can get led grow light in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and types. What hasn't really been discussed a lot in the

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