Articles By c280668993
Published 12 Years Ago
Don?t Kill Me Bro! The highs and lows of player character?s deaths
Leonardo DiCaprio dies in the Great Gatsby. I started with that little The Elder Scrolls time card tidbit because killing off your main character is something that’s been used for as long as we told stories. Beowulf for example died when a dragon
Published 12 Years Ago
Torment Kickstarter closes at over $4. 1 million, most-funded game in Kickstarte
The Kickstarter fundraising campaign for Torment: Tides of Numenera has come to a close, raising $4, 188, 927 over the course of its 30 days on the crowdfunding site, more than 465% of its original $900, 000 goal. This makes Torment the
Published 12 Years Ago
Gorn but not forgotten: Shatner fights his old nemesis in the latest Star Trek g
Star Trek: The Reboot 2: The Movie: The Game pulled its Gorns out of its ESO cdkey pointy ears the other week, but that was in a silly Making Of video that featured lots of in-game footage of Kirk’s famous alien sparring partner, but precious
Published 12 Years Ago
Oculus Rift dev packages are delivery
Oculus VR individuals are very very carefully putting Rift dev packages into swish-looking ESO cdkey cases as well as shipping all of them off around this week. Delivery began upon Wednesday, 03 27, meaning Oculus fulfilled its forecasted window with a
Published 12 Years Ago
Ranger Mode returns in Metro: Last Light as DLC
Metro 2033's popular Ranger Mode is returning ESO cdkey in Metro: Last Light. By pre-ordering the game, you'll receive a free upgrade to the Limited Edition which includes an the more difficult Ranger Mode -- a more difficult setting for the game's
Published 12 Years Ago
Group announces Papo & Years old for Vapor and brand new game Quiet Enemy
These days Minority Media's innovative director, Vander Caballero The Elder Scrolls time card, created two bulletins regarding their studio's video games.First, Papo & Years old — the actual Sony Bar Fund online game that explores problems
Published 12 Years Ago
DuckTales Remastered hands-on
You needn’t look beyond the group at Capcom’s PAX East The Elder Scrolls time card panel to understand that DuckTales is one of those video games. The uproarious regards and impromptu DuckTales style song sing-a-long pointed out that Capcom
Published 12 Years Ago
PAX Eastern 2013 examine: Moga Professional controller becomes your Android righ
If you're both a good Android person and game player, you need to consider a ESO cdkey Moga Professional controller. Indeed, there are lots of other video gaming controllers with regard to Android products, but Moga Professional controller not just
Published 12 Years Ago
Origin exploit uses hyperlinks to run malicious code remotely
Security research firm ReVuln has discovered a fairly simple way (in theory, at least) ESO cdkey for unscrupulous folks and their hacking machines to execute malicious code on your computer, by way of EA's Origin platform.The exploit takes advantage
Published 12 Years Ago
Legendary Mickey 2 visiting PS Vita within UK
Sony verifies sequel in order to launch because of its latest transportable in Uk ESO cdkey sometime this season; no term on The united states release.Legendary Mickey two: The Energy of 2 will launch for that PlayStation Vita later this season in the
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