Articles By chirag
Published 4 Months Ago
Lawyers and Mediation: The Benefits of Becoming a Mediation Lawyer
While the number of civil cases that are resolved through mediation (and other forms of alternative dispute resolution) has soared, the cases that end up in a jury trial have drastically declined.
Published 4 Months Ago
Certified mediator? The Sparrow and the Peacock
Having taught mediation skills for over thirty years and, more recently, having developed an online mediation training curriculum, it’s only natural that I stand as a zealous proponent of mediation training.
Published 4 Months Ago
How Can an Exterior All-Weather Paint Increase Your Property Value?
You can add a swimming pool to your property or a lavish garden. They do significantly increase your property value.
Published 4 Months Ago
Can an Energy-Efficient Paint Really Reduce Your Energy Consumption by 50%?
How much do you pay monthly for your energy consumption? Would you like to lower it significantly? Is it even possible?
Published 4 Months Ago
When it Comes to Commercial Fishing, Details Matter
Before you take your fishing boat out, do you make sure everything is in good working order? Do you go over all of your supplies, your crew, and so forth, so that the trip goes exactly as it should? Of course you do.
Published 4 Months Ago
Pollock Alaska Commercial Fishing Permits and More
Have you considered expanding your Alaskan fishing operation to fish for pollock as well? Do you already fish for pollock and other Alaskan species, yet are looking for a way to expedite and streamline the online permit process?
Published 4 Months Ago
choose sliding doors
Selecting the right doors for your house could make a world of difference. If you have a patio or a garden out front, it is highly recommended that you choose sliding doors.
Published 4 Months Ago
Garden windows take your love of plants to a new level
As a leading manufacturer of high-quality windows and doors, California Deluxe Windows understands the importance of connecting with nature and bringing the outdoors inside.
Published 4 Months Ago
How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles Cost?
While there are many, many cases where drug and alcohol rehab in Los Angeles must happen, there’s always the issue of cost to consider.
Published 4 Months Ago
Can Court Ordered Rehab be Imposed Against A Person’s Will?
Court ordered rehab is often an alternative approach that allows a person to avoid jail time in exchange for a program that helps them rehab from drugs or alcohol.
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