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This article is written by Vadym Gurevych who holds a Masters of Software Development degree from Kharkiv National Technical University (Ukraine) and has been creating commercial software products for businesses for 15 years.
Joined: October 25th, 2012
Articles Posted: 27


Published 9 Years Ago
Benefits of Magento Sage Integration Services for Websites
What are Magento and Sage? Magento Sage integration has changed the dimensions of ecommerce and online retailing. Magento is open source software which is rich in features and allows a website owner to customise his or her website in accordance with the

Published 9 Years Ago
Improve your Business Presence Online With Bespoke Ecommerce Websites
In the electronic generation of today, it is mandatory for a business to have an engaging and interactive website to thrive. This is particularly important for businesses engaged in ecommerce. With more people ordering online, it is crucial to have a

Published 9 Years Ago
Explain the Use of Bespoke e-Commerce Websites
Ecommerce websites need special care and attention to make it easier for every user to browse through without any interruptions. So, if you are planning to sell your products online, the best way to start is to develop a website that will answer all your

Published 9 Years Ago
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Magento Sage Integration
Magento Sage integration is an excellent way to give a glorious start to your e-Commerce business. There are several advantages of using Magento Sage integration for running your e-Commerce site. Let us look into some details about Magento Sage

Published 9 Years Ago
Explain the Use of B2B Ecommerce Solution
B2B or business to business is the transaction or relationship between businesses. Say for example, you produce sugar and you supply it to different food industries that demand your product in order to make a product of their own, as well. Food industries

Published 9 Years Ago
Advantages of Magento Sage Integration
For businesses, it is always important to keep track of their sales, stocks, and cash flow. This is one of the main reasons why they need to have a robust and reliable system, which they can turn to. One of the fastest growing and most powerful ecommerce

Published 9 Years Ago
Gaining Popularity with Users through Bespoke E-commerce
It would appear that there is a trend right now for businesses and other organizations to go for bespoke e-commerce solutions for their needs. In fact, bespoke ecommerce websites are very popular not just in the United Kingdom also buy with other

Published 9 Years Ago
B2B E-commerce Solutions are Truly Beneficial to Companies
Business-to-business (B2B) commerce has grown tremendously over the years. The impact of globalization and the rapid advances in technology has made it imperative for companies to make changes in order to maintain competitive advantage or just event to

Published 9 Years Ago
Advantages of Using B2B E-commerce Solutions
It is much more complicated to sell products to businesses via online channels than selling products and services to private consumers. Different approaches and business models must be applied to succeed in the B2B sector. In addition to a tailored

Published 9 Years Ago
Bespoke e-Commerce Websites Are Gaining Popularity among Users
Website templates are a perfectefficient means to build e-commerce sites. In fact, many businesses have found great success by using standard site templates. However, businesses often require something bespoke, whichcan be used to promote their unique

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