HR Tech Partnership work with companies at early stages.
Joined: May 14th, 2019
Articles Posted: 26
Published 3 Years Ago
How can Artificial Intelligence and Digital Solutions facilitate inclusion?
In previous blogs in this series, we have seen how the coronavirus crisis has caused significant disruption for companies at all levels. However, the shift to remote working has brought some unexpected yet valuable benefits for the inclusion and diversity
Published 3 Years Ago
How can Artificial Intelligence & Digital Solutions improve team effectiveness?
As 2020 draws to a close and we reflect on a year characterised by a crisis which has prompted huge changes in all areas of life, it is surreal to consider how unrecognisably different the world of work was only a few months ago.
Published 4 Years Ago
How can Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Technology facilitate L&D?
Over the past year, HR leaders have felt renewed pressure to ensure that their employees have had sufficient access to quality learning and development programmes.
Published 4 Years Ago
How can Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Technology facilitate employee...
As has been discussed in previous blogs in this series, the advent of the coronavirus crisis was a watershed moment for employee wellness, with business leaders putting the psychological, physical, and financial safety of their workforces at the heart
Published 4 Years Ago
How can Artificial Intelligence and Digital Solutions boost wellness in the work
A blog by Gabriel Barnes The last few years have seen a heightened emphasis on the importance of well-being in the talent & workplace productivity space. Studies show that when a workforce is physically and mentally healthy,
Published 4 Years Ago
The role of robots in a postpandemic world and its impact on worker – Part IV
In the series of blogs that we have produced so far, we have seen how the current crisis is creating drastic changes for most industries.
Published 4 Years Ago
The impact of the crisis on the workplace – Part III The immediate impact on job
The coronavirus crisis has not only caused drastic changes for businesses and employees but has also threatened the livelihoods of many.
Published 4 Years Ago
The impact of the crisis on the workplace – Part II A shift in leadership style
As our last blog outlined, businesses have experienced an organisational shift as work been transferred online. Leaders and employees have had to adapt to a new style of communication, and this has meant that some leaders have had to readdress their core
Published 4 Years Ago
The impact of the crisis on the workplace – Part I Introduction-economic change
As the country was locked down in early March this year, there was one sentiment which was commonly felt. For many small businesses which were forced to close indefinitely, or for industry in general, the financial impact of the coronavirus
Published 5 Years Ago
Impact of Disruption on the HR function: Employee Retention
The legacy method of workplace surveys is a thing of the past as it didn't provide any real-time data reflecting an employee's current concerns.
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