
Idyaflow offers Peer to Peer Marketplace templates.
Joined: April 25th, 2018
Articles Posted: 16


Published 3 Years Ago
B2B Marketplace for Food & Hospitality Industry
Transform your food market segment with digital technologies. Meet the needs of modern customers accustomed to ordering online and provide them with maximum convenience while buying and selling products & services to support the food and hospitality.

Published 4 Years Ago
IdyaFlow breaking down the 'Last Mile Delivery'
With online commerce booming, businesses are challenged in the ‘Last Mile Delivery’ challenges. Over 50% of the total delivery cost is incurred by the “last mile’. Last Mile is explained simply as the delivery of products from

Published 4 Years Ago
The Service Marketplace for Healthcare Industry
The cultural shifts, cost of care, and the ongoing governing policy adjustments have contributed to a more patient-empowered shift in care over the last century. And now, technology is changing how hospitals operate leading to new business models that

Published 4 Years Ago
Top Multi Vendor Marketplace Business Ideas During COVID
First off, let's define what we mean by Multi-Vendor Marketplace? Multi-vendor marketplace is an online store that allows multiple vendors to sell their products, services, rentals and electronic goods through a single storefront. In other words, it is

Published 4 Years Ago
IdyaFlow Drives “Think Local Movement” in Canada
Service marketplaces allow service buyers to connect with endless professionals from all types of fields and industries.

Published 4 Years Ago
The Next Service Marketplace Wave
Service marketplaces allow service buyers to connect with endless professionals from all types of fields and industries.

Published 4 Years Ago
Think Local! Why You Should Support Your Local Businesses
Service marketplaces allow service buyers to connect with endless professionals from all types of fields and industries.

Published 5 Years Ago
Peer-to-Peer Marketplace: Building New-Age E-Commerce Industries
IdyaFlow is a Canada-based company that provides you secure simple and responsive P2P marketplace software like Sharetribe.

Published 5 Years Ago
Take Your Business to Global Heights with the Best Marketplace Software
IdyaFlow is a well-known platform that helps you establish yourself in the realm of online marketplaces.

Published 5 Years Ago
Resource Sharing and Peer-To-Peer Marketplaces
IdyaFlow is a trusted software provider for building your business.

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