Palm Kirk
Joined: June 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 5
Published 3 Years Ago
Where To Donate Clothes
There are many places to donate clothes. You can either choose to do this yourself or you can contact a charitable organization that collects and redi
Published 3 Years Ago
Where To Donate Furniture
It does not matter where to donate furniture. It is still good to take action in helping others. When a person is faced with the dilemma of whether or
Published 3 Years Ago
The Power of Social Activism
When we speak of Social Activism, many people may think it is about political activism. They may also think that social activism is about civil disobe
Published 3 Years Ago
What is an Activist?
Have agency heard the expression, "what is an activist?" Political activism is defined as non-violent civil disobedience to peacefully imp
Published 3 Years Ago
How Can An Impact Agency Help Your Business?
Creative Impact Agency (Commando) was honored for Outstanding Use of Online Media (advertising, PR & Social) at the 24th annual Webby Awards for a