Amitava Sarkar

Amitava Sarkar

Joined: May 28th, 2015
Articles Posted: 48


Published 7 Years Ago
3 Ways to Maintain Peace and Quiet When Working from Home
Anyone interested in maintaining a peaceful, relaxing work environment is urged to heed the following pointers.

Published 8 Years Ago
Valuable Tips for Selling Your Home in a Hurry
Given the current state of the market, first-time buyers have become more discerning than ever.

Published 8 Years Ago
How to Get an Old House out of Your Hair in a Hurry
Paying property taxes and footing repair bills for a residence you?re ready to be done with is guaranteed to put a strain on your savings and give way

Published 8 Years Ago
Advantages in Using Expedited Freight Companies
As a business owner, ensuring the satisfaction of your customers is one of your top priorities.

Published 8 Years Ago
Things to Consider Before Investing in a Fixer-Upper Home
People invest in fixer-upper homes for a variety of reasons. In some instances, investors wish to turn these properties into personal residences.

Published 8 Years Ago
Effective Treatment Options for Sex Addicts
If you or someone you care about is currently trapped in the vice-grip of sex addiction, there?s no time like the present to educate yourself on the f

Published 8 Years Ago
How to Find the Perfect Clothing Gift for the Young Adult in Your Life
Find the right store, and you can order every gift for each young adult in your life from the same place.

Published 8 Years Ago
3 Signs it?s Time to Find a New Transport Company
If your current transport service exhibits any of the following traits, it?s recommended that you reevaluate their reliability and take the appropriat

Published 8 Years Ago
How Lower Income Individuals Can Find Affordable Healthcare
If a turbulent financial situation or lack of income has hampered your efforts to find affordable healthcare, consider the following options.

Published 8 Years Ago
The Three Types of Ham Radio Licenses
There are three different license types, each of which you?ll need to pass a test to obtain. If you?re interested in becoming a licensed amateur radio

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