Articles By naturalpuerh

Published 5 Years Ago
6 Factors to be a Good Tea
We have our own pu-erh and black tea garden in the famous tea producing area in Puer City, Yunnan.

Published 5 Years Ago
The Snacks When Drinking tea
people in some places still insist on tradition.

Published 5 Years Ago
The Secret of Drinking Cooked Pu-erh Tea in Winter
Pu-erh cooked tea, the main active ingredients are black tea (TR), yellow tea (TF), tea brown pigment (TB), gallic acid and vitamin C.

Published 5 Years Ago
Does Pu-erh tea help to lose weight?
Proper drinking of Pu-erh tea is essential for weight loss and all the benefits.

Published 5 Years Ago
7 Health Benefits of Drinking Pu-erh tea you must know
tea polyphenols can also effectively inhibit the formation of osteoclasts and prevent fractures and bone embrittlement. With the deepening of tea res

Published 5 Years Ago
New Banzhang organic raw Pu-erh tea on orders
natural organic tea on sale

Published 5 Years Ago
Weight loss drinking
best way to lose your weight

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