Articles By Nick Niesen
Published 14 Years Ago
The Four Major Forms of Fundraising
Fundraising is, without a doubt, extremely challenging work. For any of you with experience in this line of work, you will understand what I mean. For the rest of you, go out and volunteer your time with a local non-profit organization. After that, I
Published 14 Years Ago
Private Label Water and School Fund Raising
Like most organizations, schools in the United States are subject to constant budget stress. Important athletic and scholastic programs are subject to budget cuts as demographics change and taxpayers become increasingly budget aware. As a result, schools
Published 14 Years Ago
Free Easy Fundraisers
When your youth group needs to raise money quickly, you need a fast free fundraiser that you can rely on to generate the necessary revenue. The amount you make on these free easy fundraisers will depend on how much time you have to prepare and how well
Published 14 Years Ago
School Fundraising Ideas - Part Two
Looking for a good school fundraising idea?
Finding 'something different' can be a challenge. The good news is that there are other school fundraising ideas besides coordinating a special event or conducting a catalog-based fundraiser.
These often end
Published 14 Years Ago
How To Write a Better Fundraising Letter
Looking for tips on writing a better fundraising letter? Use these quick tips
to craft your next donation request letter. Feel free to modify the sample
letter below to fit your specific needs.
-Good news - Always start the letter with a series of good
Published 14 Years Ago
Top 7 fundraising ideas
Have you been given the job of organising a fundraising event and are stuck for ideas? Here's seven great and simple ideas that you can organise:-
Cookie Dough fundraisers
This is an ideal fundraiser for all times of the year. Just take orders and sell
Published 14 Years Ago
Elementary School Fundraisers
Perhaps nothing matches the enthusiasm and zeal of elementary school children. This carries over to elementary school fundraising events where young students strive to complete every assigned fundraising chore with determination and dedication. Teachers
Published 14 Years Ago
Being Creative With Your Fundraising Ideas
Have you realized just how much fundraising is going on these days? There is fundraising for little league, school fundraisers, and the college fundraiser, as well as church fundraisers. Day cares need more funds, hospitals need new equipment, and
Published 14 Years Ago
Seeking Grant Proposals for your Fundraiser
An essential part of fundraising is writing grant proposals and grant applications. An effectively written grant application can result in large sums of money for your fundraising group. Grant applications can be a long and tiresome journey, but in the
Published 14 Years Ago
Fundraising Ideas For Your Next Fundraiser
Here are four keys to better nonprofit fundraising results.
Non-profit fundraising is all about multiple streams of income, so how do you make more money for your organization?
Simple. When you put together your annual plan, you need to include as many
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