Articles By Nick Niesen
Published 14 Years Ago
High School Fundraisers
High school?a constant hub of activities, studies, and events?and the last years of our school days shared with friends. High schools always hold a variety of events to raise funds for the many extra curricular activities that makes school fun.
Published 14 Years Ago
Fundraising Publicity Tips
The success of your fundraiser depends on how much publicity your group can attract. Community awareness of your fundraising need and your fundraising offering will always increase your results.
Here are some fundraising publicity tips:
Publicity Tip #1
Published 14 Years Ago
Selecting The Right Fundraiser
Selecting the right fundraiser is the most important decision you?ll make. Among the key factors are the timing of your fundraisers each year, the quality of the merchandise, selling considerations, delivery considerations, and ultimately, the net profit
Published 14 Years Ago
Nonprofit Fundraising - Get Paid with Recurring Payments
Copyright 2006 William Hamilton
Benevolence, good will and philanthropy are honorable principles to adhere to and run by, but when bills start amassing, a nonprofit or charitable organization will not be excused from payment despite its inherent noble
Published 14 Years Ago
Youth Group Fundraiser
Everybody wants easy fundraisers. The problem is that you also want good results. So, how do you get the best results
from an easy fundraiser?
Three things to consider in evaluating easy fundraisers:
Effort Involved
Resources Needed
Duration of
Published 14 Years Ago
Oh, No! Another School Fundraiser!
If you have children still attending school, then you probably know all too well the feeling you get when you receive a flyer stating the need for yet another fundraising event! That horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach that says you're going to
Published 14 Years Ago
School Fundraiser Organization Tips Part 2
Hopefully, you've already read Part One of these tips for organizing your school fundraiser. A smart plan can make your school fundraiser much easier. Here are some other considerations:
Using a consultant
Consider using a fundraising consultant to
Published 14 Years Ago
School Fundraising Ideas - Part Three
Looking for a good school fundraising idea?
Offering something families use and spend discretionary income on is a great idea. The good news is that there are other school fundraising ideas besides coordinating a special event or conducting a
Published 14 Years Ago
Preventing Fundraiser Burnout
Since many schools and other organizations today find themselves suffering from a chronic state of under-funding, they are increasingly forced to hold multiple fundraisers through the course of the year. Unfortunately, this can lead to a complete
Published 14 Years Ago
Car Wash Fundraiser Ideas
Car wash fundraisers are a proven money-maker in virtually every community. All you need are willing volunteers, a high-traffic location with good visibility, and some attention getting signs.
You can put a car wash fundraiser together on short notice,
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