Joined: December 7th, 2017
Articles Posted: 6
Published 3 Years Ago
The coverage area of mobile jammers is very wide
2.4 4G radio circuit breaker with wireless signal shielding In this section, we will shield the WiFi wireless network of the mobile phone
Published 3 Years Ago
Cell phone jammers to get rid of the control of electronic devices
It is important for college students to pass all subjects. Unreasonable use of smartphones will lose the opportunity to pass the course.
Published 5 Years Ago
American jamming weapons are about to land in electronic warfare
The U.S. military is working on a new generation of signal jamming weapons
The US military is working on the next-generation of cell phone jammer to defeat improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that pose such a grave threat to US forces deployed
Published 5 Years Ago
The capabilities of jamming weapons research
Electronic jamming weapons than live with higher cost performance
Weapons capable of jamming or destroying U.S. military and commercial satellites will reach initial operational capability in the next few years, according to a new intelligence
Published 6 Years Ago
Cell phone jammers are becoming a popular trend
4G LTE cell phone jammer have become the mainstream of market demand
Cell phone jammers have been around since 1998. The devices can block signals in a room about the size of a movie theater. The jammer sends out a low-power, encoded radio signal or
Published 7 Years Ago
The latest jammers in military applications
Future military signal jammer development trend
Enter the Next Generation drone jammer program, the first documents for which were released by the Pentagon in 2004, with the aim of bringing jamming into the digital age. The NGJ had originally been