Neergaard Armstrong
Joined: April 30th, 2021
Articles Posted: 4
Published 3 Years Ago
Dogs undergo all types of training for various reasons. Some are trained to hunt, work, protect, or just to be more pleasant. Dogs are eager to please their master. This makes them an ideal pet. In the following article, you will be provided with informat
When you are training your dog and establishing your leadership role, do not be adverse to letting the dog lick you on the face. This is common behavi
Published 3 Years Ago
Your dog can be considered a member of your family. Much in the same way that you would train and correct your children, it is important to do that for your dog as well. How can you expect them to behave if you haven't taught them what that means? Read on
If you have gotten a new dog or puppy, you should work on training them right away. If they are going to be indoor dogs, you can start crate training
Published 3 Years Ago
Teaching Your Old Dog Some New Tricks
Training a dog is a wonderful thing to do for both of you. From basic obedience to advanced techniques, proper socialization and instruction is not on
Published 3 Years Ago
Dogs undergo all types of training for various reasons. Some are trained to hunt, work, protect, or just to be more pleasant. Dogs are eager to please their master. This makes them an ideal pet. In the following article, you will be provided with informat
When you are training your dog and establishing your leadership role, do not be adverse to letting the dog lick you on the face. This is common behavi