Mendoza Valencia
Joined: February 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 8
Published 4 Years Ago
Your Pillowcase and Your Sleeping Patterns
Alright, so you're tired, and also you don't know why.
moved here eat healthy, and you also exercis
Published 4 Years Ago
Thought Energies
Thoughts have energy. They express themselves in non-verbal ways usually. They communicate essential information to everyone who will be present and r
Published 4 Years Ago
Can Energy Medicine Prevent Alzheimer's?
Do you need to use one of the tools which enables you achieve the canned peaches at the rear of the tall cabinet? Beware! According to energy medicin
Published 4 Years Ago
EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques - Energy Medicine at Your Fingertips
useful site originated by Gary Craig in the 1980's which is a self-developmen
Published 4 Years Ago
Childhood Asthma Allergy and Eczema
I have seen many kids throughout my career that have this combination of asthma, allergies, and eczema occurring at the same time or at different cycl
Published 4 Years Ago
Applied Kinesiology - What is It?
Applied Kinesiology was made by chiropractor George Goodheart, Jr. over 40 years ago. It is an alternative treatment diagnostic tool and treatment met
Published 4 Years Ago
Gemstone Therapy Today
For ages, gemstones have been used medicinally. Jade was thought to protect the kidneys, liver, spleen, and heart; beryl to cure eye injuries, and car
Published 4 Years Ago
Predictions For the Future of Health Care
I want to start out by saying this isn't a political piece, nor can it address everything to do with the U.S. health care system, national or otherwis