Joined: August 11th, 2014
Articles Posted: 15
Published 10 Years Ago
Making Trading Changes is as Easy as Changing a Software Code
“…a state of mind or perspective is like software code. You could have several thousand lines of perfectly written code, with only one flawed line, and in that one flawed line there might be only one character out of place. Depending on
Published 10 Years Ago
Mechanicalise Your Trading, A Great Habit to Have
The first quarter of the year had just passed by and we are already moving towards the end of April. While it took me a while, only very recently did I manage to complete the review of my trades from Jan-Mar. Just to be clear, I’m not updating my
Published 10 Years Ago
3 Ways to Connect with Your Trading Mind?
My interest and fascination for the power of the mind continues as I am now nearly half way through my course on hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The more I learn about the subconscious mind, the more I realise that having the knowledge of the subconscious mind
Published 10 Years Ago
The Power of the Mind
You do know that the mind is a very powerful trading resource, do you not? You also know that it is an important tool that can help you achieve trading success easily and effortlessly, right? If you agree (and I know you do), then great news for you
Published 10 Years Ago
Why Is Trading Psychology Important?
Some traders succeed and some traders don’t. Meanwhile, there is also a group of clueless traders who constantly win some and lose some, having a consistent net result of only breaking even.
However, when questioned, many successful traders cannot
Published 10 Years Ago
Copycat Traders: A Great Way to Learn To Trade
During the Japanese revolution in 1800s, the Japanese politicians toured Europe and the USA to learn western ways. The result was a deliberate state led industrialisation policy to enable Japan to quickly catch up. In the modern age, many developing
Published 10 Years Ago
3 Reasons to Stay Away from the Market
This is an important reason why trend traders don’t want to be trading all the time. It is believed that the market only trends 30% of the time and, for the rest of the time, the market is probably consolidating or is about to reverse.
Published 10 Years Ago
4 Ways to Overcome Your Trading Fears
New traders usually move into the career of trading because they are trying to switch away from their existing career (which is usually non-trading related) or to build extra/side income. Like it or not, these changes indirectly creates pressure and often
Published 10 Years Ago
5 Trading Assumptions that Amateurs Need To Avoid
Every professional trader started off as an Amateur but they gradually improve by eliminating mistakes and false assumptions that they may have. If you are really keen to become a professional one day, here are some of the common assumptions that you may
Published 10 Years Ago
How to Read Price Action? The Stories of Buyers Vs Sellers
Cash might be King in the business world but, in the trading world, you’ll still got to bow down to the almighty Price Action.Price Action is, without a doubt, the most important indicator on the charts, and that’s because it is the only
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