North Texas Cancer Center at Wise

North Texas Cancer Center at Wise

Joined: February 24th, 2016
Articles Posted: 20


Published 7 Years Ago
4 Lifestyle Choices Can Make Cancer More Survivable: Study
Researchers ultimately found that people in the low-risk group were less likely to develop cancer.

Published 7 Years Ago
Secondary Cancer a Real Concern for Breast, Thyroid Cancer Survivors
New research is shedding light on the secondary malignancies breast and thyroid cancer survivors are most likely to face.

Published 7 Years Ago
Steps Women Can Take to Avoid Breast Cancer
Researchers behind the study used data collected from more than 7,000 women with breast cancer.

Published 7 Years Ago
Breakthrough May Help Stop Metastasizing Cancer In Its Tracks
One of the prevailing theories about how cancer spreads involves tumor cells that break off from the original source site.

Published 7 Years Ago
African-American Women May be at Higher Risk for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer involves tumors that have tested negative for estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors and HER2.

Published 7 Years Ago
Mammography Plays Critical Role in Saving Lives
At present, there are concerns that mammograms are leading to over-diagnosis of the disease and interventions that are too harsh for many cancers that

Published 7 Years Ago
New Immunotherapy Drugs Helping Some, But Not Others
Immunotherapy drugs are designed to help the body?s own immune system fight off the growth and spread of cancer.

Published 8 Years Ago
Cancer Survivors More Likely to Take Medicine for Depression, Anxiety: Study
The toll cancer takes on a person affects more than the body. It may also impact psychological well-being in both the short- and long-term.

Published 8 Years Ago
Understanding Risk Factors Can Make a Difference in Melanoma Detection
To help on the early detection end, a new study looked at the benefits of tailoring surveillance programs to screen for this form of cancer........

Published 8 Years Ago
IBM Joins Fight Against Cancer
IBM is working with the American Cancer Society to consolidate the data it?s collected over the years into the IBM Watson artificial intelligence.....

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