Fusion marketing summary from 1st April to 15th April

Posted by Fusion One Marketing on April 24th, 2021

Hello, everyone we are back with new blogs and information. We at fusion one marketing always hope to provide you with the best information that can help in boosting your business and run your business successfully.

April 5, 2021

How to use LinkedIn Advertising: Part 1

LinkedIn is a popular advertising platform. You should have a LinkedIn page to advertise your business. It is the first step. The things needed for having a LinkedIn page include a daily minimum budget of /campaign; a CPC and text add campaigns with a minimum bid of bid. LinkedIn offers different objectives. You should keep your end goal in mind so that you can get the desired results from marketing. The different objectives are divided into different categories.

The first is awareness objective and it is about introducing your brand to people. It is the best option for new companies or those who need to reach a much larger audience. This type of ad is used by people who want to introduce their company.

The second is consideration campaigns. It is the best for generating action. It is further divided into subcategories such as website clicks, engagements, and video views. 

Website clicks mean getting people to your website through a blog post, engagement means interacting with your content on LinkedIn, and video views mean posting videos on your website to engage people.

The last is conversion objectives are suitable when you have already prepared the base and attracted an audience. It is a special objective because here you ask customers to perform a specific action.

Targeting is a method used to determine who will see your ad. You can do advertisements through different categories. After finishing targeting your audience, LinkedIn will show you the results. You can track your campaign’s performance vs. their forecast. This will help you to improve your campaigns. Click here for a full article https://fusiononemarketing.com/how-to-use-linkedin-advertising-part-1

April 8, 2021

Digital marketing 101: What Small businesses need to know

Many businesses do not know what digital marketing is and how it brings more customers. Digital marketing helps you to reach your potential customers by using the right techniques. The first step is you should have a Google my business listing. This is important so that if anyone searches online and type in your business, your information will come up. You can add pictures, videos, or descriptions so that customers know that you have a legitimate business. It increases your visibility. The second important thing is to have a website. It is very important for your business. People should get a good impression when they visit your website for the first time so that they can visit again. Make sure your website has proper images, design, and content to attract people. Your website should be easy t navigate and load quickly. The third thing is social media. Social media is very important for your business. Your business should have an active social media presence. It is a good opportunity to find your potential customers. Next is SEO. You can build your business with the right SEO. SEO is important because it makes sure that your business comes up when people are looking for what they need. Next is ROI tools. ROI tools mean return on investment that is if you are paying a company for SEO that should bring you business, you should know if it is working. 

If you are getting calls it means you are getting more customers. Another important thing is PPC. It is pay per click. This is not right for every business but it works great for some businesses. It brings visitors to your website by using ads and they are placed in front of your customer demographic and you pay only when someone clicks that ad or they take action. It extends your reach to the customers. The last important thing worth mentioning is reviews or reputation management. If you have more reviews online, the better the search engines are going to view you and your business will get more preference over your competitors. Click here for a full article https://fusiononemarketing.com/digital-marketing-101-what-small-businesses-need-to-know/

April 12, 2021

How to use LinkedIn Ads: Part 2

Today, in this blog we will be talking about creating a successful LinkedIn advertising campaign. LinkedIn offers different types of ads. There are five different types: sponsored content, text ads, sponsored InMail, Dynamic ads, programmatic display ads. Different ad types target different actions.

Sponsored content is the most natural-looking option. This is the same as boosting a post on Facebook where it looks like a traditional post and promotes it to more viewers. You can boost a single image, video, carousel, or lead generation ads using this.

Text ads are not visually appealing. They look similar to traditional Bing or Google ads. You can picture a company’s logo next to a text block and headline.

Sponsored Inmail is an option when you have already built brand recognition and trust with a user. It is an excellent approach because you can select the content of the message but it is a bit pricey.

Dynamic ads are the most customized option. You can promote content downloads, a company’s page, job postings, or drive traffic to a website through spotlight ads that also appear on the newsfeed. You can also use pre-set templates to design it. It is easy to create.

Thus, you can create your LinkedIn ads. Consider every aspect of the customer journey to create your ads. Click here to know more https://fusiononemarketing.com/how-to-use-linkedin-ads-part-2/

April 15, 2021

E-A-T for SEO: How to create content to improve your rankings

In this blog, we will explain what do you mean by E-A-T and why it is important for your website and how to implement it correctly. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It was introduced in 2018 and in 2019 Google confirmed that it is going to be an important factor to their algorithms. So, they provided some guidelines to create better content. YMYL means your money your life. This affects the reader’s health, finances, safety, and happiness. Google has given topics for YMYL that are evaluated for EAT.

Expertise: This means that your content should be created by an expert. It means you should choose an expert for writing the content for your business. An expert can create the right content for your business.

Authoritativeness: It means your content is being liked by some other author. It is a good sign in Google’s eyes. It is good if people like what you have and they like to share that information with others. It is a good boost for an authority. If more and more people are searching for your brand that is also a good thing for Google.

Trustworthiness: This means building your trust. If you have too many bad or negative reviews it is not good for your business. Google does not consider it to be good. There are some important parts to your trust in Google’s eyes and reviews are one of them. Too many negative reviews mean you are not giving the right information on your website and you are not giving the quality service. You can increase your trustworthiness by having an easy and accessible way for users to reach you. You should have a place where they can send you an email; you should have a contact number or a contact form so that they can contact you easily.

Thus, EAT is very important following EAT should be most important for developing your content. Keep everything fresh on your website. So, follow the guidelines if you want to improve rankings with Google. Click for a full article https://fusiononemarketing.com/e-a-t-for-seo/

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Fusion One Marketing
Joined: October 15th, 2019
Articles Posted: 6

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