Helpful Tips To Paint A Room

Posted by Andrew Nicholls on February 2nd, 2021

If you always wanted to paint a room in your home the good news is that it's relatively easy. This is a project that beginners can take on without the worry of catastrophic damage. It's not going to break your bank to do it or to change anything if you make a mistake. There is something to consider before moving forward with this endeavor. Making a road map of the steps and processes are key to success. We will go over them below.

Form A Plan Of Action

Start with the end in mind. It's good practice to imagine how the end result will look. Not only will you be able to see a finished product in your mind's eye but you may get some awesome ideas from doing this. Be creative and make it fun. Be sure to make a list of different tools and supplies you may need before you begin. Would suck to have to run to the store in the middle of your project. Go through and order of operation so you get a basic idea of where you want to start and finish. Take note of the roof and if it needs a touch-up. You might as well get that done while you're at it.

Decide What Color To Use

With how many different color options are available on the market it's easy to get overwhelmed. Break down the decision into small parts. First, choose a color, then think about what shade you would prefer. Make sure to consider the other decorative items in the room. Want to have the look the way you want it. Get a few samples of colors you like and figure out what would suit your taste. Lots of paint companies offer cool tools on their websites. You can take a photo of the room you want to paint, upload it, and change the color to whatever you want to see what it would look like. Be aware that some colors look slightly different in a real-world setting.

Choosing your tools/materials

Just like with colors, there are tons of tools and materials you'll have to decide on. From experience, I tend to lean more towards the more expensive stuff. I do this because I have had quality issues in the past with cheaper products. I find, in the long run, I end up paying less to replace garbage tools or materials. The main items of interest that you can't move forward without are:

  • Paint Brushes
  • Paint roller
  • paint
  • paint tray
  • painters tape
  • cloths/rags
  • sandpaper
  • putty knife

How Many Cans Of Paint You May Need

Most professional painters say you normally get around 400 square feet per gallon of paint. This will work fine for small jobs but if you're doing a large paint job then you will want to use a paint counter which you can find on most painting company websites. If you're painting over a darker color you will also have to account for another coat. Also another thing to consider is if you're dealing with a surface with texture. More texture eats up more paint compared to flat, smooth surfaces. Your best bet is to shoot for about 10% more paint then you think you need.

Set Up Your Working Space

This is where you move anything you don't want to get paint on it. Could be furniture or a picture. If you don't have enough room to remove these items from the room, you will want to move them to the center of the room and cover them with a tarp or a drop cloth. This is super important cause paint just loves to splatter. Painters tape is your friend. make sure to use it for taping off the bottom of the wall or anything you don't want the new color. Make sure it has an adequate seal so you don't have any unfortunate surprises when you remove the tape.

Method To The Madness

After you mix your paint with a wooden stir stick its time to get going. Having a plan pre determined plan might save you some problems later on. Start from the top down. So if you did decide your roof needs a coat that's where you begin, working your way down the walls. Use a paint brush around the edges where you need a bit more percision and a roller for the large parts of the wall. You have to wait until your wall is dry to the touch before you apply your second coat.

Ventilation is key

Definately don't forget to ventilate your work space. The smell not only might give you a headache but it speeds up the drying process.

I know this all seems like a lot of work. Thats ok painting isn't for everyone. Luckily Kamloops painter has your back. This is exactly the kind of thing they specialize in. Get in touch with them for all your painting needs.

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Andrew Nicholls

About the Author

Andrew Nicholls
Joined: February 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 6

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