SAP Evaluation and Reporting

Posted by Affordable Evaluations on February 10th, 2021

To perform driver evaluations, an employer must present the driver in violation of a DOT drug and alcohol test with a list of Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) that have had the appropriate DOT training and obtained the required credentials. Whether, an employer retains the driver or not; the SAP list must be made available to the driver, without a fee.

The list need not be handed over in person as it could be emailed or mailed to the driver as well. But the provision of the SAP list does not empower the employer to force the driver to begin the Substance Abuse Evaluations process. Nevertheless, as the first step to resume a safety sensitive work, the driver must seek a face-to-face evaluation from a qualified SAP.

Treatment and Education

During the clinical evaluation of the driver at a face-to-face meeting, the SAP counselor near me will give him a referral to a treatment or an education program. However, the SAP is required to have a working knowledge of what counselors and programs can be made available to the driver as per his individual condition.

The driver’s ability to pay or the insurance coverage received by him could be taken into consideration by the SAP at the time of his recommendations. With his diagnostic determinations that lead to the treatment plan, the SAP will facilitate a referral to the driver into a return-to-work program.

Final SAP Evaluation

The appointed SAP will determine whether the SAP return to work program for a driver was successful or not. This is derived after another face-to-face evaluation with the driver and the information provided by the treatment or education program. There could be three determinations of the second SAP evaluation:

• The driver can return to the safety sensitive function upon the successful completion of the treatment plan.
• Additional out-patient counseling and aftercare is required but the driver can still return to work.
• The driver cannot resume work due to failure in the prescribed treatment plan and additional follow-up SAP evaluation are mandatory.

The SAP Report

The Substance Abuse Evaluations near me performed by a professional SAP can empower him to issue a report on his findings to the designated employer representative (DER) only if he is satisfied with the driver’s ability to return to work. This report lists the number of DOT follow-up alcohol or drug tests are to be performed by the driver in each timeframe and the continuing education and treatment thereof.

Following his return to a safety sensitive function, the driver is required to complete a minimum of six unannounced follow-up tests in the first year. This follow-up testing could be required of the driver for up to five years. A negative result is mandatory before the driver resumes his safety sensitive work. If the driver leaves the current employer before the last follow-up test is completed, he must pick up from where the process was left off. Affordable Evaluations is proud to be a leading provider of addiction recovery care in the country, offering a full spectrum of Substance Abuse Evaluations.

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Affordable Evaluations
Joined: November 11th, 2020
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