When Can You Have A Second Hair Transplant?

Posted by Medispa India on February 11th, 2021

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that is chosen by the hair loss sufferers for achieving the coverage of the bald area in the scalp regions or in the facial areas. The basic procedure of the hair transplant is to transfer the hair grafts from the donor areas which is specifically selected for the residence of the permanent hair roots to the recipient site.

Hair transplant in India has flourished to a long way and the country has become a place to g for hair transplant tourism. The hair transplant industry in especially Jaipur and Delhi has become hugely popular which attracts the global patients for the hair transplant tourism to these cities.

On top of all, unlike the western world countries the hair transplant cost in India has become very affordable too which lures the foreign nationals to visit India for hair transplant tourism.

hair transplant in Kolkata

In India, Medispa hair transplant clinic has been one of the prime destination serving huge percentage of the patients visiting Delhi and Jaipur for hair transplant tourism. Dr Suneet Soni is worldwide recognized for his excellent work in the field of hair transplant. He has been hugely popular for the extraordinary creative skills to design the hairline.

Concerned about the number of hair transplant session you need?

Don’t worry we have answers to it!

Not all hair loss sufferers need second hair transplant session, let’s know when can you need second hair transplant?

Advancements in hair transplant procedure

The primitive hair transplant procedure were subjected to many flaws which had received much criticism but these days the hair transplant has become a very popular procedure as the results offered by the procedure are incredible.

Hair transplant procedure are been advancing every now and then and various newer cutting edge technology and techniques are been developing routinely for the betterment of the outcomes. In the present era, the results following hair transplant can provide maximum hair density and absolutely natural looking results.

So if you are worried of the monotonous techniques of the hair transplant and still not confident about the procedure, you should be aware that the procedure has become very advanced and is surely worth your time and money.

What are you waiting for? Grab some good information and choose the procedure for an incredible hair growth after the procedure on the bald area.

When do you need a second hair transplant?

With the advanced techniques it has become possible these days to achieve the pleasant amount of hair growth in a single session itself even in extensive hair loss cases. But still you might need multiple sessions in few circumstances explained as follows:

  1. Progressive hair loss: Hair transplant definitely cover the bald area permanently but apparently it do not prevent the hair loss in the existing hairs at the hair loss prone area. If in case after hair transplant you are facing further hair loss from the surrounding areas then you might need another session of hair transplant which is usually after an year of the previous one.
  2. Extensive or advanced baldness especially grade VI and VII: Hair loss can be staged in 7 grades according to Norwood classification where the grade VI and VII represent the advanced baldness. For the advanced baldness usually combination technique of FUT and FUE is preferred but still there could be circumstances when multiple session is required. Therefore, in this condition you might need a second hair transplant.
  3. Failed hair transplant: These days with the introduction of the cheaper clinics have ruined the excellence of the hair transplant procedure. You might have heard horrific storied of failed hair transplant quite often these days. Do not worry it is solely based on your choice of the clinic and the surgeon. Cheaper clinics might botch your hair transplant and deliver you poor outcomes which you might want to rectify. In these circumstances you need a second session of hair transplant which might or might not be possible.

The hair transplant surgeon examines the transplanted and the donor area and then scrutinise the already done damage by the surgeon performing the procedure at the cheaper clinic. Based on this information you can get to know whether the second hair transplant in possible and how much rectification you can expect from the hair transplant repair surgery.

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Medispa India

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Medispa India
Joined: September 13th, 2019
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