Posted by Amino Energy Supplements on February 12th, 2021

Are you planning for bodybuilding? If yes, then here is a golden tip for you: start consuming health supplements from the start. You see, bodybuilding involves heavy tasks, excruciating exercises, and strict diet which suck away a lot of body nutrients.

Hence, taking supplementation from the very beginning is an intelligent choice. This blog will inform you about the top 10 bodybuilding supplements to be taken regularly.


Widen your eyes and read carefully the list of top 10 bodybuilding supplements:

Creatine: Creatine is the most efficient supplement for all those indulged in a high-intensity activity. Since creatine is mostly found in meat, hence all the vegetarians have to take creatine supplements.

It works as the primary backup phosphate donor for the replenishment of ATP. ATP, in case you don’t know is the elemental form of energy and the source of energy for all muscular contractions

Casein-Whey Protein Supplements: Second amongst the top 10 bodybuilding supplements is the casein- whey protein. They both are extracted from milk and promote a positive nitrogen balance in bodybuilders.

Caesin is a slow-acting protein while whey is a fast-acting protein, hence their combination is perfect for absorption. The faster your liver oxidizes amino acids the faster is your protein synthesis.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids, found primarily in fish oil, is a great stress buster. It manages brain neurotransmission and combats depression. Omega acids also control diabetes, blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cancers.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants are nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, that work against oxidation which is a by- product of exercise. Supplemental antioxidants help to deal with numerous toxic oxidants, such as the free radicals produced. Vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, zinc, and magnesium are the important antioxidants.

Post-Workout Recovery Drinks: As the name implies, these drinks are taken post workout. They are basically energy drinks with simple carbs and other nutrients that help to promote increased muscular recovery and growth.

These drinks are also rich in whey, and helps to promote glycogen replenishment and insulin release.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin: Glucosamine and chondroitin are both amongst the top 10 bodybuilding supplements. Together, they heal the pain linked to sore joints and connective tissue. They are kind of inflammatory drugs.

Multi Mineral Supplements: Obvious from the name, the multimineral supplement contains a lot of minerals and enzyme activators especially zinc and chromium. These two act as anabolic hormones that aid testosterone, growth hormone and insulin.

Green Tea: Green tea is also an antioxidant. Recent research shows that green tea contains antioxidant compounds known as catechins which is 100 times more potent than vitamins E and C.

Estrogen Blockers: Ninth among the top 10 bodybuilding supplements is the estrogen blocker. It helps in increasing muscular definition, when taken with proper diet and training.

Fiber Supplements: The final bodybuilding supplement is none but fibre. Fibre is an important mineral as it helps to lower total body inflammation and protect one against elevated blood lipids and blood pressure. There are two kinds of fibre: soluble and insoluble.

Soluble fiber is taken just before a meal. It contains simple and high-glycemic-index carbs which slows the entry of the carbs into the blood. As a result there is less body fat and a stabilized blood glucose level. Wheat and barn are the best fibre supplements.

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Amino Energy Supplements

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Amino Energy Supplements
Joined: January 6th, 2021
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