Posted by mehul on April 8th, 2021

Search engine metrics change every year. They get better. From simply being tools for users to find what they want, to becoming the biggest forces of marketing and customer experience, search engines have come a long way. To leverage the search engine and big changes, you need to know the top SEO trends. SEO trends also change according to a better understanding of user behaviour. You can use these trends for best SERPs and increase revenue through higher, relevant traffic to your website. So, here are the 10 important 2021 SEO trends:

1. Optimization Focused on the User

Google regularly has updates. The last one was in 2019 called BERT. So, after every update, SEOs get to work to adapt to the changes. But rather than doing this every time, SEOs should focus on clean architecture and content delivery. Today, there are many places where users can get their information. SEOs need to have a strategy in place for reaching customers through new access points.

The update also showcased one of the most important changes in Google’s strategy for content search. It is now showing importance to intent over keywords. Keywords show us what a customer is searching, whereas intent is all about knowing why a customer is
searching something particular. Keywords are going to get phased out. Natural language processing & deep learning are making strong headway into technology, so intent will get precedence on keywords.

2. Best Content Wins

The days of stuffing keywords to get hits are over. SEOs have to focus on pushing content that is relevant and high in quality. Google’s quality check is still developing, and there might be one or two pages that are not of the highest quality, but soon there will be a day where only quality content will be found on the first page. So, you need to completely forget about keyword stuffing, rewording, and article spinning.

Long-tail keywords that are grammatically correct will also get renewed importance. Focus on them. Another place that needs focus is titles. Since keywords are out, titles will get importance. This is also a good opportunity to keep the user engaged by knowing what your user needs next and providing access to that content.

3. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)

The internet may allow anyone to publish content, but Google is watching. To tackle the menace of fake news, irresponsible content, and wrong facts, there’s going to be more importance given to E.A.T. Google is working towards checking news sources. Your website’s reputation is going to be taken into account while giving you a ranking.

Another important trend here is people who write and the content and the people who publish the content are also going to be under scrutiny. So, you have to devise ways to get author credentials and other relevant, verifiable information on your website to get to rank higher on E.A.T.

4. UX & Technical Soundness

Right from the moment a user clicks on your link to the time they hit that close button; you have to focus on giving the user the best experience. You have to work on your website’s UX to give you users what they want while creating a positive experience. A simple way to improve UX would be to improve upon your technical SEO.

Improve your website’s technical SEO through Google’s point-of-view. There are many websites and experts online that will guide you on the best practices. Also, pay close attention to your website’s and individual page’s loading speed. This is an important factor being considered by search engines.

5. Mobile SEO

The smartphone has emerged as the fastest-growing mobile device that connects us to the internet, mainly because of the convenience factor. More and more people are also looking at websites from their phones. So, when you develop your website, develop it for mobile-first, and then make it compatible with the computer.

Mobile needs to be an important part of SEO strategy, especially mobile SERPs. Know what people are searching for on their phones, and how you can reach out to the right people. Mobile SEO will be a real game-changer, and will get to your content to the right users.


Make use of these top trends for 2021 to rank your website. These trends are also going to become the best practises so you are going to see the long-term benefits of using the advice given above.

About Us 
Kaizen Design Studio is the most trusted digital marketing company in Pune. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve and bringing in pioneering marketing strategies and tools for our clients just like the ones mentioned in this article. To know more about what we can do for you, get in touch with us at the earliest.

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