3 Ways to Reach More of Your Goals

Posted by Jennifer L Kropf on April 29th, 2021

When it comes to our goals, most of us wish they were easier.

We set a goal, say to lose 10 pounds, and begin with a TON of motivation. But, over time we feel less and less inspired. Until, one day, we give up.

Does this sound familiar?

Perhaps, you're doing the right thing, but going about it in the wrong way. So, here are 3 quick tips, to make your goals more attainable.

1. Stop Being Vague

Walk more. Read more. Give up tv. These are all great ideas, BUT they are not goals! Get as specific as you can with what you want to accomplish, before you begin. Ex. I will read one book a week. 

Find some family goals here to make specific to your situation. 

2. Find Accountability

I made HUGE leaps in my goal progress when I realized that I follow through based on other's expectations. If I tell someone I'll run that race, I do it. If I tell my sister I owe her if I don't drink 5 smoothies, I drink the dang smoothies. So, if you're really serious about a goal, use accountability to get you there in half the time. I also love the SPAR! app for this. 

3. Start Easier

And finally, lots of habit research explains that we're more likely to stick to a good habit if we start off slow. Want to be a runner? Run for just 2 minutes, and add a bit every time. Yes, it will feel easy. But the point is that you'll be building a lasting habit. And in the long run, it will add up to a big difference.

So, when in doubt, start smaller and build!

In Conclusion

I hope these tips help you crush your goals in the next week, month, and year! And remember, just start. You don't have to have it all figured out. As long as you're specific, you use social pressure, and you start easy, you'll be well on your way!

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Jennifer L Kropf

About the Author

Jennifer L Kropf
Joined: November 13th, 2020
Articles Posted: 18

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