Business Tax Returns for Sole Trader

Posted by Aaeesha on September 18th, 2015

Businesses and companies should file their income tax returns annually. This business tax returns is calculated based on the money earned by the company over the financial year. The rates are different for individuals and companies. It is very important to file the tax returns on time in order to prevent legal complications in the future. In this blog, we will take a look at the factors that define a sole trader and details of the company tax returns for such a business person.

Who is a sole trader?

A sole trader is one who runs a business all by himself/herself without the investment or involvement any other person. In simple words, a sole trader is one who runs the show alone. It is very simple to become a sole trader. You just have to register your business name and start your trading. Setting up a business as a sole trader has its good and bad moments. You need not share your profits with anyone. On the other hand, in case of a problem, you don’t have anyone to share your burden with. So, you have to be self-confident and self-motivated if you want to become a sole trader. The profits shown in the business records will only be taken into consideration while calculating the business tax returns for sole traders.  

What are the Details You Should Provide?

As a sole trader, you should file your tax returns even if you are earning less that the tax-free threshold. You should submit a detailed account of your income and expenses. The form should also have details of the deductions you want to claim. Plus, you should inform if you have any other form of income like salary, rental income, dividends or more.

How to File Company Tax Returns?

As a sole trader, you can make use of two different methods to file your tax returns. You can login to the online income tax portal and provide the relevant data before filing up the business tax returns. If you find it difficult to do, then you can consult a registered agent and fill your returns through them. The agent will charge a particular amount as fee and take care of the entire tax returns filing process for you. These agents may have a special lodgment schedules and can file returns even after the due date has expired. Visit the government website to find the list of authorized agents for filing tax returns.

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