Advantages of choosing a boutique recruitment agency

Posted by lerry on May 23rd, 2021

Besides the fact that "boutique" recruiting agencies just sound classier than their traditional counterparts, there are many reasons to choose this route for your staffing needs. For example, LinkedIn's 2021 Global Recruiting Trends report found that 96% of talent consider "experience" to be the most important priority at their company.

This makes sense, because if you just wanted "any" employee, you could just accept the first person who throws a resume at your door, or work with the cheapest recruiting companies. You don't want the average employee - you want the cream of the crop of professionals.

Because boutique recruiting agencies can dive a little deeper into previously untouched areas of employment by looking beyond recruiting websites and forms for employees with new and advanced skills, they give you a wider range of talent to choose from. In other words, instead of being a company that has to compete for the attention of a few key players in the industry, you have a veritable dessert plate of ideal candidates to choose from.

In a world where key recruiting trends will focus on culture (according to Glassdor) and diversity, it's easy to see boutique agencies gaining the upper hand. Let's take a look at just four of the key benefits these experts have to offer:

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1. Bespoke service

77% of professionals consider culture to be critical to their employment practices. That means if you're looking for an effective fit when selecting your candidates, you need a hiring manager who looks at more than just the "education" portion of a resume. Boutique agencies combine long-term business plans for their clients with candidates' long-term career goals to create a match made in heaven. Think of it this way: It's the difference between a blind date and planning a romantic evening with someone who meets all your romantic criteria.

2. Specialist experience

Many companies assume that a larger recruiter will have more experience with different types of candidates, sectors and industries. But that's not always the case. For example, if you're looking for employees in technology and design, you might find that working with a boutique recruitment agency gives you access to skills and knowledge you couldn't get elsewhere. Consultants at boutique recruiting agencies like syndicatedstaffing know how to find the best talent for the right sectors by connecting the different complicated parts of recruiting.

3. A Streamlined Process

While more employees may seem like the best way to get jobs done faster - the truth is that larger recruitment agencies often suffer from panicked employees running around like headless chickens. A lack of internal communication often leads to disjointed processes, which means applications and projects get passed from one department to the next. Even if you have good tools in place, recruitment processes are complex and time-consuming. It's no wonder it takes an average of 42 days to fill a position with a large agency.

Alternatively, a boutique recruitment process gives you the advantage of a single point of contact and a more targeted set of experts. The connection with recruiters is closer than in larger companies, and that means more understanding of your needs.

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