What is an Activist?

Posted by Palm Kirk on June 1st, 2021

Have agency heard the expression, "what is an activist?" Political activism is defined as non-violent civil disobedience to peacefully improve the social conditions of a nation, community, or society. In most modern societies, public debate, peaceful demonstrations and other types of political expression are considered to be the norm. However, what is sometimes called "non-violent" actions can be brutal and dangerous. In many cases, these politically inspired activities that call for change in a society are met with opposition from the establishment. There are many different types of what is an activist. Activists can be academic professionals who demand education reform, artists who seek to improve art, politicians who seek to affect societal change, or groups who unite to effect change within a group. In agency , what is an activist can be a loose collection of individuals who come together to promote a cause, such as social justice. These types of activists may not hold political office. They are usually involved in one way or another in community issues, local politics, or other forms of social protest. The definition of what is an activist has changed throughout the years. At one point, being an individual who agitated for political change was more acceptable than what is now considered radical. At other times, being an outspoken political dissenter was considered a more positive action than what is now considered political agitation. Today's definitions of what is an activist have evolved into what is considered to be a full-fledged political stance. While many activists of yesteryear were radicals, some did not participate in political agitation but exercised more direct action in their efforts to make social change. Being an organizer or political hack was once associated with being an inflammatory speaker or performer. Today, however, the boundaries between being an activist and being a disruption are becoming blurred. Some communities, such as the punk subculture, tolerate political speech acts that do not fall into the realm of what is considered to be terrorist threats or hate speech. However, acts of disruption and what is considered to be criminal hate speech are being criticized by the wider sector of the population. An example of what is an activist can be seen in the reactions to controversial issues. If a video emerged showing an activist burning an American flag, many would be appalled. However, there are agency who support this type of action and call it peaceful civil disobedience. If someone was caught on video physically harming a member of the clergy, many would find this to be un-american. What is left to determine what is an Activist and Activism as a whole is not only what we say, but what we do. What is an Activist? A non-violent civil disobedience act is what is considered to be an act of civil disobedience. While violence may be used in some radical protest actions, most involve tactics of non-violent civil disobedience with some type of media coverage. This allows the general public to voice their opinion without the use of physical violence. However, in terms of violent protest actions, there is no doubt as to what is an activist and how much further the line of what is considered to be acceptable is pushed. An example of what is an activist can be found in the way certain members of the radical fringe behave. There have been a few instances where members of the fringe have been videotaped beating a person to the point where they can be seen on the Internet. The fact that a police officer was involved in these situations does not stop the protesters from vandalizing property and committing assault and other violent crimes. What is an Activist when it comes to these types of fringe groups and what they consider to be a political action? The question remains, is any type of political action justified? There are many different types of Activists and what they believe. It appears that many in the radical fringe have adopted the "you are either with us or against us" mentality. Unfortunately, most of those who do adopt this rhetoric do not actually believe that it applies to them. In other words, what is an activist according to these people is the rhetoric and threats that they throw at others. Unfortunately, what is an activist seems to be defined by the rhetoric of those who promote certain causes and who claim to stand for what is right and what is just.

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Palm Kirk

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Palm Kirk
Joined: June 1st, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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