Wheel of Fortune Improves Mood

Posted by Amit Singh on June 2nd, 2021

Having a range of moods, bad days, and getting into messed up situations is definitely a part of life..and coping up with all of them can be a bit challenging. So, sometimes doing something impractical and just for yourself does the trick. 


1)Having a long, hot shower/ Bubble bath: Taking a hot shower or being in a bubble bath can help you relax in ways you cannot even imagine. I know things can't get better or situations can't be mended but at least, you can get a fresh mind to think things over in a broader, newer perspective. It is professed by many people that having a good bath improves their mental status and calms them down in situations that landed them in a tiff.


2) Having some wine: Getting drunk isn't ever a solution to anything, but a glass or two of wine can definitely help you in combating or even forgetting the negativity in your mind. 


3) Take a nap: Although you might find it odd to sleep in difficult situations, it is imperative to give your brain some rest, especially in situations where you are alone and you have to solve your problems without any help. Taking a short nap will provide that much-needed halt to your brain and might help it to work in newer, fresher ways.


4) Distract yourself: You can distract yourself by doing activities that you like so that your mind is fresh for a while. You can pick up some hobby or just do something else for a while to take your mind off of the thing that is disturbing you or you can play games on your phone to take your mind off of things like Ludo, wheel of fortune(get the wheel of fortune food and drinks 3 words answers online), Poker, etc. 


5) Talk to someone: If you feel as if there is someone in your life who could help you out in times of need, then surely reach them out and ask them for help without any shame. Remember that asking for help does not make you weak or a failure..it just means that you are only human.


6)Play with a child/puppy: A child or a puppy is a great source of happiness and joy. Both a child and a puppy love you unconditionally, so, spend some time with them to lighten up your mood and bring some sunshine to your mind.


7) Revisiting happy memories- Revisiting happy memories by looking at photos or even reliving memories in your mind will make you think of the happy times you had, it will remind you of how these struggling times are permanent and how you are headed for a better future.


Always remember that no matter how gloomy times are, or how difficult situations are..there is always a light after the tunnel.


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Amit Singh

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Amit Singh
Joined: November 20th, 2020
Articles Posted: 4

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