
Posted by Ankush Ramnani on June 2nd, 2021


  • Daisugi is a Japanese forestry technique in which specially-planted cedar trees are heavily pruned to produce “shoots” that eventually become perfectly union, straight, knot-free lumber. This is an ancient method developed in the fourteenth century that was originally used by the people living in the region of Kitayama because there was a shortage of saplings. The terrain in the region is very mountainous, and the steep slopes make planting and tending to trees very difficult, so arborists used daisugi to not only reduce the number of plantations, but to produce denser wood in a much shorter time frame as well.
  • Not only could this lumber be produce in record-time, but it was also more flexible and durable than regular wood. Lumber produced in this way is 140 percent as flexible as standard cedar, and 200 percent as dense and strong. This was especially important for homes being built in Japan, where typhoons are a common occurrence.

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Ankush Ramnani

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Ankush Ramnani
Joined: June 2nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 13

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