Lemongrass top benefits for skin

Posted by Ankush Ramnani on June 5th, 2021

Lemongrass top benefits for skin

  1. Lemon grass also known as Cymbopogon delivers number of benefits to your skin and well being. Here are the top benefits of Lemongrass Soap for skin:
  2. This natural analgesic promotes toned skin and will reduce inflammation. Lemongrass is also a good alternative to a scent or a perfume which prevents body odour throughout the day once applied on the body .
  3.  It fights against bacteria that breaks down the sweat into aromatic fatty acids which is the reason to this unpleasant odour .
  4. Also to help soothe itchy skin lemon grass essential oils prevents skin irritation , purifies our skin and its aromatic smell fights depression and stress . If you have acne prone skin this nature treasure is just for you. 
  5. This is a natural toner which helps to minimize toning issues and naturally protects the skin from insect bites .
  6. Adding lemon grass to your daily skincare routine will definitely get changes to your skin and you 'd love the glow its giving to your skin.

Buy lemongrass soap

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Ankush Ramnani

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Ankush Ramnani
Joined: June 2nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 13

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